S. Muñoz Hernández, C. Benac Earle, and J.E. Carrillo Plaza. Techpeoplecare: Innovative digital literacy training methodology. In ICERI2019 Proceedings, 12th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, pages 3496--3499. IATED, 11th-13th November 2019. [ bib ]
Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund. A property-based testing framework for multi-agent systems. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, AAMAS 2019, 2019. accepted as Extended Abstract. [ bib | DOI | www: ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Pablo Nogueira. The full-reducing Krivine abstract machine KN simulates pure normal-order in lockstep: A proof via corresponding calculus. Journal of Functional Programming, 29:e7, 2019. [ bib | http | Abstract ]


Halim Deedar and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Extending a flexible searching tool for multiple data-base formats. In The Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communication and Information Technologies, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India, December 2018. Best paper award. To be published in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer). [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Discussing current solutions for digital literacy at rural areas. In 13th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training. E-learning Africa, Kigali, Rwanda, September 2018. [ bib ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Pitfalls of jason concurrency. In 6th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems EMAS 2018. Springer, 2018. To be published. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño and Raúl N N Alborodo. Communicating Process Architectures 2015 & 2016, chapter A Model-driven Methodology for Generating and Verifying CSP-based Java Code, pages 87--110. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018. [ bib | DOI ]
Ignacio Ballesteros, Luis Eduardo Bueso de Barrio, Lars-Åke Fredlund, and Julio Mariño. Testing json web services using jsongen. In Jornadas Españolas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE2018). SISTEDES, Universidad de Sevilla, 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz. eJason: a Framework for Distributed and Fault-tolerant Multi-agent Systems. PhD thesis, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2018. [ bib | www: | www: | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund, Julio Mariño, Sergio Pérez, and Salvador Tamarit. Runtime verification in erlang by using contracts. CoRR, abs/1808.07937, 2018. Final version to appear in LNCS. [ bib | arXiv | http ]


Sara Elhadi Elsiddig Mahmoud and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Asthma severity diagnosis system based on fuzzy reasoning. In A.J. Li K. Tallón-Ballesteros, editor, Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining III, volume 299 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA), pages 197--202, Hualien, Taiwan, November 2017. IOS Press. [ bib | DOI ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Lets remove digital illiteracy from african rural areas. In 12th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training. E-learning Africa, Republic of Mauritius, September 2017. [ bib ]
Huda Jamal Abdelhameed and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Emotion and opinion retrieval from social media in arabic language: Survey. In 2017 Joint International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Education and Training and International Conference on Computing in Arabic (ICCA-TICET), IEEE Xplore, pages 1--8, Khartoum, Sudan, August 2017. IEEE. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, James Lipton, and Julio Mariño. Constraint logic programming with a relational machine. Formal Aspects of Computing, 29(1):97--124, 2017. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Salvador Tamarit, Julio Mariño, Guillermo Vigueras, and Manuel Carro. Towards a semantics-aware code transformation toolchain for heterogeneous systems. In Alicia Villanueva, editor, Proceedings XVI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, Salamanca, Spain, 14-16th September 2016, volume 237 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 34--51. Open Publishing Association, 2017. [ bib | DOI ]
Guillermo Vigueras, Manuel Carro, Salvador Tamarit, and Julio Mariño. Towards automatic learning of heuristics for mechanical transformations of procedural code. In Alicia Villanueva, editor, Proceedings XVI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, Salamanca, Spain, 14-16th September 2016, volume 237 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 52--67. Open Publishing Association, 2017. [ bib | DOI ]
Salvador Tamarit, Guillermo Vigueras, Manuel Carro, and Julio Mariño. Tools for High Performance Computing 2016, chapter Machine Learning-Driven Automatic Program Transformation to Increase Performance in Heterogeneous Architectures, pages 115--140. Springer, 2017. [ bib ]
Barbara Gallina, Elena Gómez-Martínez, and Clara Benac Earle. Promoting MBA in the rail sector by deriving process-related evidence via MDSafeCer. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 54:119--128, 2017. [ bib | DOI ]
Julio Mariño, Raúl N. N. Alborodo, Lars-Åke Fredlund, and Ángel Herranz. Synthesis of verifiable concurrent java components from formal models. Software & Systems Modeling, pages 1--35, 2017. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]


Juan-Pablo Salazar-Sanchez, Elena Gómez-Martínez, and Miguel de Miguel. Performance analysis of persistence technologies for cloud repositories of models. In JORNADAS DE INGENIERIA DEL SOFTWARE Y BASES DE DATOS, pages 213 -- 226, September 2016. [ bib | http ]
C. Brackmann, D. Barone, A. Casali, R. Boucinha, and S. Muñoz-Hernández. Computational thinking: Panorama of the americas. In 2016 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), pages 1--6. IEE Xplore, September 2016. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Izzeldin Osman. Women empowerment and research productivity through a successful distance phd program. In 11th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training. E-learning Africa, May 2016. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Izzeldin Osman. Using a productive distance phd program to empower women in academia. In IST-Africa 2016 Conference Proceedings, May 2016. [ bib ]
Alejandro Hernández Munuera and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Improving flexible databases searches using machine learning. Technical report, Babel research group (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Madrid, España, January 2016. [ bib | http ]
Elena Gómez-Martínez, Ricardo J. Ródriguez, Clara Benac-Earle, Leire Etxeberria, and Miren Illarramendi. A methodology for model-based verification of safety contracts and performance requirements. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 0(0):1748006X16667328, 2016. [ bib | DOI | arXiv | http | Abstract ]
Gaofeng Zhang, Paolo Falcarin, Elena Gómez-Martínez, Christophe Tartary, Shareeful Islam, Bjorn De Sutter, and Jerome D'Annoville. Attack simulation based software protection assessment method with petri net. International Journal on Cyber Situational Awareness, 1(1):152 -- 181, 2016. [ bib | DOI ]
Gaofeng Zhang, Paolo Falcarin, Elena Gómez-Martínez, Shareeful Islam, Christophe Tartary, Bjorn De Sutter, and Jerome D'Annoville. Attack simulation based software protection assessment method. In Cyber Security And Protection Of Digital Services, pages 1--8. IEEE, 2016. [ bib ]
Salvador Tamarit, Julio Mariño, Guillermo Vigueras, and Manuel Carro. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Program Transformation for Programmability in Heterogeneous Architectures, 2016. [ bib | http ]
Guillermo Vigueras, Manuel Carro, Salvador Tamarit, and Julio Mariño. Towards automatic learning of heuristics for mechanical transformations of procedural code. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Program Transformation for Programmability in Heterogeneous Architectures, volume abs/1603.03022, 2016. [ bib | http ]
Salvador Tamarit, Julio Mariño, Guillermo Vigueras, and Manuel Carro. Towards a semantics-aware transformation toolchain for heterogeneous systems. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Program Transformation for Programmability in Heterogeneous Architectures, volume abs/1603.03011, 2016. [ bib | http ]
M. Llorens, J. Oliver, J. Silva, and S. Tamarit. Dynamic slicing of concurrent specification languages. Parallel Computing, 53:1 -- 22, 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
David Insa, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. Where you sit matters? how classroom seating might affect marks. To appear, 2016. [ bib ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Pablo Nogueira. No solvable lambda-value term left behind. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 12(2):1--43, 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac Earle, and John Hughes. Automatic grading of programming exercises using property-based testing. In Alison Clear, Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, Janet Carter, and Yván Túpac, editors, 21st Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education ITiCSE 2016, Arequipa, Perú, July 11-13, 2016, pages 47--52. ACM, 2016. [ bib | DOI ]
Barbara Gallina, Elena Gómez-Martínez, and Clara Benac Earle. Deriving safety case fragments for assessing mbasafe's compliance with EN 50128. In SPICE, volume 609 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 3--16. Springer, 2016. [ bib ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. A framework for modelling real-world knowledge capable of obtaining answers to fuzzy and flexible searches. In Computational Intelligence (SCI, volume 613), pages 281--297. Springer Verlag, 2016. [ bib | DOI ]


Victor Pablos Ceruelo. Extending the Expressiveness of Fuzzy Logic Languages. PhD thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, July 2015. Advisor: Muñoz-Hernández. [ bib ]
Clara Benac Earle, Ana María Fernández Soriano, Lars-Åke Fredlund, and Elena Gómez-Martínez. Teaching software safety to master students. In 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, EUROMICRO-SEAA 2015, Madeira, Portugal, August 26-28, 2015 [DBL15], pages 306--308. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Elena Gómez-Martínez, Marino Linaje, Fernando Sánchez-Figueroa, Andres Iglesias-Pérez, Juan Carlos Preciado, Rafael Gónzalez-Cabero, and José Merseguer. A semantic approach for designing assistive software recommender systems. Journal of Systems and Software, 104:166--178, 2015. [ bib | DOI ]
Jaime Nuche and Pablo Nogueira. A syntactic approach to macro-grammars for context-free grammars. Technical report, Babel research group (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), 2015. [ bib | http ]
Tomás García and Ángel Herranz. Prototipo bouml para la traducción de uml a autómatas temporales. Technical report, Babel research group (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), 2015. [ bib | .pdf ]
Lars-Ake Fredlund, Ángel Herranz, and Julio Mariño. Applying property-based testing in teaching safety-critical system programming. In 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), pages 309--316. IEEE, 2015. Best paper award. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
Guillermo Vigueras, Salvador Tamarit, Manuel Carro, and Julio Mariño. Towards a rule-based approach to generate high-performance scientific code. Poster and invited talk at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, January 2015. [ bib ]
Santiago Escobar, editor. Proceedings XIV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2014, Cadiz, Spain, September 16-19, 2014, volume 173 of EPTCS, 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Julián Alarte, David Insa, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. Temex: The web template extractor. In Gangemi et al. [GLP15], pages 155--158. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Aldo Gangemi, Stefano Leonardi, and Alessandro Panconesi, editors. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, WWW 2015, Florence, Italy, May 18-22, 2015 - Companion Volume. ACM, 2015. [ bib | http ]
Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit. A zoom-declarative debugger for sequential erlang programs. Science of Computer Programming, 110:104 -- 118, 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit. A declarative debugger for concurrent erlang programs. In XV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2015. Universidad de Cantabria, 2015. [ bib ]
Salvador Tamarit, Julio Mariño, Guillermo Vigueras, and Manuel Carro. A haskell implementation of a rule-based program transformation for c programs. In XV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2015. Universidad de Cantabria, 2015. [ bib ]
Julián Alarte, David Insa, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. A collection of website benchmarks labelled for template detection and content extraction. In XV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2015. Universidad de Cantabria, 2015. [ bib ]
Marisa Llorens, Javier Oliver, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. Dynamic slicing of csp via tracking. In 25th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR 2015. Università degli Studi di Siena, 2015. [ bib ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Adding distribution and fault tolerance to jason. Sci. Comput. Program., 98:205--232, 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ]
41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, EUROMICRO-SEAA 2015, Madeira, Portugal, August 26-28, 2015. IEEE Computer Society, 2015. [ bib | http ]
Salvador Tamarit, Guillermo Vigueras, Manuel Carro, and Julio Mariño. A Haskell implementation of a rule-based program transformation for C programs. In Enrico Ponteli and Son Cao Tran, editors, Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages PADL 2015, volume 9131 of LNCS, pages 105--114. Springer, 2015. [ bib ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, James Lipton, and Julio Mariño. Declarative compilation for constraint logic programming. In Maurizio Proietti and Hirohisa Seki, editors, Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation LOPSTR 2014, volume 8981 of LNCS, pages 299--316. Springer, 2015. [ bib ]
Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Functional testing of java programs. Accepted to be published in LNCS after presentation at the 2015 International Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (16th), 2015. [ bib | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund, Ángel Herranz-Nieva, and Julio Mariño. Applying property-based testing in teaching safety-critical system programming. Submitted to the 2015 EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2015. [ bib | Abstract ]


Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Enriching traditional databases with fuzzy definitions to allow flexible and expressive searches. In António Dourado, José M. Cadenas, and Joaquim Filipe, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications, pages 111--118, Rome, Italy, October 2014. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
Enhancing control over jason agents. In Santiago Escobar, editor, XIV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'14. Universidade da Coruña, September 2014. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. On modelling real-world knowledge to get answers to fuzzy and flexible searches without human intervention. In Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pages 2329--2336, Beijing, China, July 2014. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Introducing similarity relations in a framework for modelling real-world fuzzy knowledge. In Laurent et al. [LSBMY14], pages 51--60. online isbn: 978-3-319-08852-5, series issn: 1865-0929. [ bib | DOI ]
Sigeru Omatu, Hugues Bersini, Juan M. Corchado Rodríguez, Sara Rodríguez, Pawel Pawlewski, and Edgardo Bucciarelli, editors. volume 290 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, June 2014. DCAI 2014. [ bib ]
Julián Alarte, David Insa, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. A Benchmark Suite for Template Detection and Content Extraction, 2014. [ bib | http ]
Julián Alarte, David Insa, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. Web template extraction based on hyperlink analysis. In Santiago Escobar, editor, Proceedings XIV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2014, Cadiz, Spain, September 16-19, 2014., volume 173 of EPTCS, pages 16--26, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Julián Alarte, David Insa, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. Automatic detection of webpages that share the same web template. In ter Beek and Ravara [tBR14], pages 2--15. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Maurice H. ter Beek and António Ravara, editors. Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems, WWV 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 18, 2014, volume 163 of EPTCS, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit. EDD: A declarative debugger for sequential erlang programs. In Ábrahám and Havelund [ÁH14], pages 581--586. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Erika Ábrahám and Klaus Havelund, editors. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 20th International Conference, TACAS 2014, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2014, Grenoble, France, April 5-13, 2014. Proceedings, volume 8413 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Julián Alarte, David Insa, Josep Silva, and Salvador Tamarit. Site-level template extraction based on hyperlink analysis. In XIV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2014. Universidad de Cádiz, 2014. [ bib ]
Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit. Edd: A declarative debugger for sequential erlang programs. In XIV Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2014. Universidad de Cádiz, 2014. [ bib ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. Operational Aspects of Full Reduction in Lambda Calculi. PhD thesis, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2014. Advisors: Juan José Moreno-Navarro and Pablo Nogueira. Mención de Doctor Internacional. Doctorado con Mención de Calidad MCD2006-00306 y Mención hacia la Excelencia MEE2011-0242. [ bib | http | .pdf | Abstract ]
Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Ángel Herranz-Nieva, and Julio Mariño. Jsongen: a quickcheck based library for testing JSON web services. In Castro and Svensson [CS14], pages 33--41. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac Earle, Ángel Herranz-Nieva, and Julio Mariño-Carballo. Property-based testing of JSON based web services. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS, 2014, Anchorage, AK, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2014 [DBL14], pages 704--707. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Julio Mariño, and Thomas Arts. Teaching students property-based testing. In 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Verona, Italy, August 27-29, 2014, pages 437--442, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund, Ángel Herranz-Nieva, and Julio Mariño. A testing-based approach to ensure the safety of shared resource concurrent systems. In Software Engineering and Formal Methods - SEFM 2014 Collocated Workshops: HOFM, SAFOME, OpenCert, MoKMaSD, WS-FMDS, Grenoble, France, September 1-2, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, pages 116--130, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Ángel Herranz-Nieva, and Julio Mariño. Execution and verification of UML state machines with erlang. In Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 12th International Conference, SEFM 2014, Grenoble, France, September 1-5, 2014. Proceedings, pages 284--289, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Flese: A tool for posing flexible and expressive (fuzzy) queries to a regular database. In Omatu et al. [OBR+14], pages 157--164. DCAI 2014. [ bib | http ]
Jeremy Gibbons and Pablo Nogueira. Special issue on Mathematics of Program Construction 2012. Science of Computer Programming, 85 Part 2B:101--240, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez, Pablo Nogueira, and Ilya Sergey. Deriving interpretations of the gradually-typed lambda calculus. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2014 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation - PEPM'14, pages 157--168, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Elena Gómez-Martínez, Rafael González-Cabero, and Jose Merseguer. Performance Assessment of an Architecture with Adaptative Interfaces for People with Special Needs. Empirical Software Engineering, 19(6):1967--2018, 2014. [ bib | DOI ]
Ricardo J. Rodríguez and Elena Gómez-Martínez. Model-Based Safety Assessment Using OCL and Petri Nets. In Proc. Work in Progress Session at 40th Euromicro Conf. on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'14), pages 56--59, 2014. [ bib | .pdf ]
Elena Gómez-Martínez and Álvaro Fernández Díaz. Embedded Systems for People with Special Needs: Insights from a Real Case. In Proc. Work in Progress Session at 40th Euromicro Conf. on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'14), pages 431--436, 2014. [ bib | .pdf ]
Elena Gómez-Martínez, Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Leire Etxeberria Elorza, Miren Illarramendi Rezabal, and Clara Benac Earle. Model-Based Verification of Safety Contracts. In Software Engineering and Formal Methods - SEFM 2014 Collocated Workshops, volume 8938 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, pages 101--105, 2014. [ bib | .pdf ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Pablo Nogueira. On the syntactic and functional correspondence between hybrid (or layered) normalisers and abstract machines. Science of Computer Programming, 95 Part 2, 2014. [ bib | DOI ]
Anne Laurent, Olivier Strauss, Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, and Ronald R. Yager, editors. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems - 15th International Conference, IPMU 2014, Montpellier, France, July 15-19, 2014, Proceedings, Part III, volume 444 of Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer International Publishing, 2014. online isbn: 978-3-319-08852-5, series issn: 1865-0929. [ bib ]
Laura M. Castro and Hans Svensson, editors. Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Erlang, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 5, 2014. ACM, 2014. [ bib | http ]
2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS, 2014, Anchorage, AK, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2014. IEEE Computer Society, 2014. [ bib | http ]


Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Comunicación y relación interpersonal: las claves del éxito profesional. Conferencia organizada en el Instituto Cervantes de Fez, December 2013. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Financing projects, how to build a business model for technology enhanced education. Technology Enhanced Cities Summit, November 2013. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Conferenciante invitado en la mesa redonda “i+d en cooperación para el desarrollo y organizaciones no gubernamentales”. celebraciones del 25 aniversario de la Agencia de Cooperación Española al Desarrollo, November 2013. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño. Euclidean interpolation: from mathematical structures to types and back. In Laura Castro and Lars-Åke Fredlund, editors, XII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes PROLE 2013 y V Taller de Programación Funcional TPF 2013, September 2013. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño. A course in algorithm design based on higher-order patterns. In Laura Castro and Lars-Åke Fredlund, editors, XII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes PROLE 2013 y V Taller de Programación Funcional TPF 2013, September 2013. [ bib ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Pablo Nogueira. Derivación de intérpretes del cálculo lambda con tipos graduales. In L.-Å. Fredlund and L. Castro, editors, Actas de las XIII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'13, IV Congreso Español de Informática - CEDI'13, pages 24--25, Madrid, September 2013. Sistedes. [ bib | .pdf ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Getting answers to fuzzy and flexible searches by easy modelling of real-world knowledge. In IJCCI 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, September 2013. SCITEPRESS Digital Library. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications (FCTA'2013). [ bib | DOI | http ]
Pablo Nogueira. El problema de la parada de los programas y de las personas. Blog del Año Turing 2012 del periódico El País, June 27 2013. [ bib | http ]
Pablo Nogueira. John tiene razón. Blog del Año Turing 2012 del periódico El País, June 20 2013. [ bib | http ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Moderadora del panel “technological innovations in management and entrepreneurship education”. 2013 Annual Conference and 10th Anniversary Celebration “Education, Employment and Enterpreneurship”, June 2013. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Conferenciante invitado y facilitador de la mesa redonda sobre educación. Technology, Innovation and Social Change. http://sec2013.etsii.upm.es, April 2013. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Cooperación internacional y justicia social en la facultad de informática. Jornadas Try it. Facultad de Informática (UPM), March 2013. [ bib ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. A syntactic and functional correspondence between reduction semantics and reduction-free full normalisers. Talk at the weakly PL Entropy Meeting, February 7 2013. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Uburyo (ofreciendo oportunidades) un programa transparente de microcréditos universitarios. Jornadas de Innovación itdUPM - Ongawa, February 2013. [ bib ]
Ricardo J. Rodríguez, L-Å. Fredlund, A. Herranz, and Julio Mariño. UMErL: Verification of UML Diagrams through Model Checking. Unpublished UPM-BABEL-2013-001, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2013. Submitted to ACM TECS. Available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/kquuirvtstid1v0/RFHM-TR-01-13_unpublished.pdf. [ bib | .pdf ]
Carlos Badenes Olmedo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Dammopd: Data analysis and mining of mobile phone dataset. In Proceeding of NetMob 2013. Mayo 1, 2013, Boston, EEUU, 2013. Poster at Special session of the Orange D4D challenge. [ bib ]
María Auxiliadora Montes and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Metodología para determinar la distribución de puntos de acceso a gobierno electrónico. In Actas del VI Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo, Junio 24-26, 2013, Valencia, España, 2013. [ bib ]
Álvaro García-Pérez, Pablo Nogueira, and Juan José Moreno Navarro. Deriving the full-reducing krivine machine from the small-step operational semantics of normal order. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming - PPDP'13, pages 85--96, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Clara Benac Earle, Elena Gómez-Martínez, Stefano Tonetta, Stefano Puri, Silvia Mazzini, Jean Louis Gilbert, Olivier Hachet, Ramón Serna Oliver, Cecilia Ekelin, and Katiusca Zedda. Languages for Safety-Certification Related Properties. In Proc. Work in Progress Session at 39th Euromicro Conf. on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'13), 2013. [ bib | .pdf ]
Manuel Carro, Ángel Herranz, and Julio Mariño. A model-driven approach to teaching concurrency. Trans. Comput. Educ., 13(1):5:1--5:19, January 2013. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Pablo Nogueira. A syntactic and functional correspondence between reduction semantics and reduction-free full normalisers. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2013 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation - PEPM'13, pages 107--116, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, James Lipton, and Julio Mariño. Constraint logic programming with a relational machine. Technical report, University of Pennsylvannia, Wesleyan University, and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2013. In preparation. [ bib ]
Carlos Badenes and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Dammopd: Data analysis and mining of mobile phone dataset. In Mobile Phone Data for Development. Analysis of mobile phone datasets for the development of Ivory Coast, pages 240--261, Boston, EEUU, 2013. [ bib | Abstract ]
Mariuxi Montes Chunga and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Metodología para determinar la distribución de puntos de acceso a gobierno electrónico. In VI Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo, pages 701--712, Valencia, España, 2013. [ bib | Abstract ]


Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Adding distribution and fault tolerance to Jason. In Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control 2012(AGERE! 2012), Tucson, Arizona (USA), October 21-22 2012. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Sinan Eğilmez. A sound and efficient approach for the similarity concept in fuzzy logic. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, October 2012. Advisors: Susana Muñoz Hernández and Víctor Pablos Ceruelo, Calificación: Sobresaliente (9.5/10). [ bib | .html ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Christel Baier, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Static partial order reduction for probabilistic concurrent systems. In 9th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 2012, London, United Kingdom, September 17-20 2012. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Erlang as an implementation platform for BDI languages. In Eleventh ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop 2012(Erlang 12), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 14 2012. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz Hernández. Socializing label translation for real multilingual software applications. In 17th Annual LRC Internationalisation & Localisation Conference: Social Localisation, University of Limerick, September 2012. [ bib | .pdf ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Pablo Nogueira. Enfoque normal y enfoque spine para reducción en el cálculo lambda puro. In María del Mar Gallardo, Mateu Villaret, and José M. Gómez, editors, Actas de las XII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'12, pages 265--266, Almería, September 2012. Sistedes, Universidad de Almería. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Pablo Nogueira. Los cálculos lambda y lambda-value y sus estrategias de reducción. In María del Mar Gallardo, Mateu Villaret, and José M. Gómez, editors, Actas de las XII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'12, page 261, Almería, September 2012. Sistedes, Universidad de Almería. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Juan José Moreno Navarro. Evolution of science in spain by subject areas. Technical Report UPM-BABEL-2012-001, Babel Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, September 2012. [ bib ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias. Relational and Allegorical Semantics for Constraint Logic Programming. PhD thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, July 2012. Advisors: Jim Lipton and Julio Mariño. [ bib ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. ejason: an implementation of Jason in Erlang. In 10th International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS 2012), Valencia, Spain, June 5 2012. Under evaluation to be included in LNCS. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Verification of timed Erlang programs using McErlang. In 14th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference FMOODS 2012 and 32nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference FORTE 2012, Stockholm, Sweden, 13-16 June, 2012, volume 7273 of IFIP-LNCS, June 2012. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Conferencia “experiencia en el uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para dar sostenibilidad a una universidad en ngozi, burundi”. III Jornadas de Enfermedades Tropicales y Salud Internacional de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Alcalá, February 2012. [ bib ]
María Auxiliadora Montes, Miguel Ángel Peña, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Distribution of municipal services access points over a territory in a scenario with restricted information. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics (SOTICS 2012), Octubre 21-26, 2012, Venecia, Italia, 2012. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Máximo Ramírez Robles. A software supported loan system for sustainability in education. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, Mayo 23-25, 2012, Cotonou, Benin, 2012. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Máximo Ramírez Robles. Uburyo: Open source software for managing micro-credits in education. In Proceedings of the International Conference EDUCON 20121. Collaborative Learning and New Pedagogic Approaches in Engineering Education. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP12EDU-USB, Abril 17-20, 2012, Marrakesh, Marruecos, 2012. Premio al mejor artículo en la categoría de "Métodos educativos y menanismos de enseñanza en ingeniería". [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Máximo Ramírez Robles. Sustainable loans system: motivation,engagement besides an opportunity of education. In Proceedings of IDLELO 5 (Free and Open Source Foundation For Africa Conference)Theme: "Open Source Solutions for achieving Millenium Development Goals", Marzo 19-23, 2012, Abuja, Nigeria, 2012. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Máximo Ramírez Robles. Evaluation of an application for managing microcredits in education. In Proceedings of the ACM DEV 2012 (the second annual Symposium on Computing for Development), Marzo 11-12, 2012, Atlanta, GA, EEUU, page 22. ACM, 2012. [ bib | DOI ]
Rubén Monjaraz and Julio Mariño. From the π-calculus to flat ghc. In Schreye et al. [SJK12], pages 163--172. [ bib ]
Danny De Schreye, Gerda Janssens, and Andy King, editors. Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP'12, Leuven, Belgium - September 19 - 21, 2012. ACM, 2012. [ bib ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias and James Lipton. Logic programming in tabular allegories. In Agostino Dovier and Vítor Santos Costa, editors, Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2012, September 4-8, 2012, Budapest, Hungary, volume 17 of LIPIcs, pages 334--347. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2012. [ bib ]
Jeremy Gibbons and Pablo Nogueira, editors. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction, 25--27 June 2012, Madrid, Spain, volume 7342 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Ana María Fernández-Soriano, Julio Mariño, and Ángel Herranz. A tool for the integration of constraint programming in spreadsheets. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 282(0):35--45, 2012. Proceedings of the XI Spanish Conference on Programming and Languages, PROLE 2011. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Aleksandar Nanevski. Denotation of syntax and metaprogramming in contextual modal type theory. Submitted to the Journal of Applied Logic, 2012. [ bib ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay. Meta-variables as infinite lists in nominal terms unification and rewriting. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2012. In press. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño. A verified implementation of priority monitors in Java. In Bernhard Beckert, Ferruccio Damiani, and Dilian Gurov, editors, Proceedings 2nd. International Conference on Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software (FoVeOOS'11), Revised Lectures, volume 7421 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2012. [ bib ]
Kurosh Madani, António Dourado Correia, Agostinho C. Rosa, and Joaquim Filipe, editors. Computational Intelligence - Revised and Selected Papers of the International Joint Conference, IJCCI 2010, Valencia, Spain, October 2010, volume 399 of Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ]


Diego Nuñez Silva. Design and implementation of a media access component at Picsearch using a rigorous software engineering approach. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, November 2011 2011. Advisor: Lars-Åke Fredlund. Joint degree with Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. [ bib ]
Slavisa Avramovic. Design and implementation of a servlet and mobile client for adaptive location-based information retrieval. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, November 2011 2011. Advisor: Lars-Åke Fredlund. Joint degree with Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany. [ bib ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund. McErlang. Tutorial talk at the Erlang User Conference 2011, November 4 2011. [ bib | http ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund. Erlang QuickCheck and Java. Tutorial talk at the Erlang User Conference 2011, November 4 2011. [ bib | http ]
Purificación Arenas, Victor M. Gulías, and Pablo Nogueira, editors. Actas de las XI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'11. Universidade da Coruña, September 5--7 2011. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Ana María Fernández-Soriano, Julio Mariño, and Ángel Herranz. A tool for the integration of constraint logic programming in spreadsheets. In Purificación Arenas, Víctor M. Gulías, and Pablo Nogueira, editors, Actas XI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, pages 243--252, A Coruña, Spain, September 2011. ISBN 978-84-9749-487-8. [ bib ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Pablo Nogueira. Estrategias del cálculo lambda e interderivación de artefactos semánticos. In P. Arenas, V. M. Gulías, and P. Nogueira, editors, Actas de las XI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'11, pages 253--254, A Coruña, September 2011. Sistedes, Universidade da Coruña. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz. Static partial order reduction for probabilistic systems. Master's thesis, Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität Dresden, July 29 2011. Advisor: Christel Baier, Calificación: Sobresaliente. [ bib | .html | .pdf | Abstract ]
Miguel Ángel Polo Mancera. Polimorfismo ad-hoc en un lenguaje lógico funcional. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, July 2011. Supervised by Julio Mariño (in Spanish). [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño. Synthesis of logic programs from object-oriented formal specifications. In John P. Gallagher and Michael Gelfond, editors, Technical Communications of the 27th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'11), volume 11 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 95--105, Dagstuhl, Germany, July 2011. Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Introducing priorities in rfuzzy: Syntax and semantics. In CMMSE 2011 : Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, volume 3, pages 918--929, Benidorm (Alicante), Spain, June 2011. [ bib | http ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. Full reduction in open strict calculus. Talk at IMDEA Software, Theory Lunch, May 24 2011. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz, Clara Benac, Guillem Marpons, and Julio Mariño. Mechanising the validation of ERTMS requirements and new procedures. In 9th World Congress on Railway Research, page 33, May 2011. [ bib | .pdf ]
Guillem Marpons. Layered coding rule definition and enforcing using LLVM. Talk at IMDEA Software, Theory Lunch, April 26 2011. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. The beta cube. Talk at the Programming, Logic and Semantics Group, March 7 2011. [ bib | .pdf ]
D. Castro, C. Benac Earle, L. Fredlund, V. Gulías, and S. Rivas. A case study on verifying a supervisor component using McErlang. ENTCS, 271:23--40, March 2011. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. The beta cube. Talk at the weakly PL Entropy Meeting, February 3 2011. [ bib | http ]
Lu Jingwei. Extending fuzzy logic with characteristics similarity and quantification. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, February 2011. Advisors: Susana Muñoz Hernández and Víctor Pablos Ceruelo, Calificación: Sobresaliente (10/10). [ bib | .html ]
Julio Mariño, editor. Functional and Constraint Logic Programming, 19th International Workshop, Revised Selected Papers, volume 6559 of LNCS. Springer Verlag, 2011. [ bib ]
Álvaro Fernández-Díaz, Clara Benac, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Erlang implementation and formal verification of a distributed MAS protocol. In Nogueira, Arenas, and Gulías, editors, XI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE2011. Universidades da Coruña, 2011. [ bib ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay. Festschrift in honour of Howard Barringer. chapter Stone Duality for First-order Logic: a Nominal Approach to Logic and Topology. 2011. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño. A verified implementation of priority monitors in Java. In Bernhard Beckert, Ferruccio Damiani, and Dilian Gurov, editors, Papers presented at the 2nd. International Conference on Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software (FoVeOOS'11), number 26, pages 244--259, Turin, Italy, 2011. Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics. ISSN 2190-4782. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz. An Object-Oriented Formal Notation: Executable Specifications in Clay. PhD thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, January 2011. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández, Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo, and Hannes Strass. Rfuzzy: Syntax, semantics and implementation details of a simple and expressive fuzzy tool over prolog. Information Sciences, 181(10):1951 -- 1970, 2011. Special Issue on Information Engineering Applications Based on Lattices. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, James Lipton, Julio Mariño, and Pablo Nogueira. First-order unification using variable-free relational algebra. Logic Journal of IGPL, 19(6):790--820, 2011. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]


Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Seminario "introducción al trabajo en equipo ii". II Plan de Tutoría Curricular de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, October 19 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Implementing a multiagent negotiation protocol in erlang. In Ninth ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, Erlang'10, pages 69--74, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 30 2010. ACM. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. El cubo beta. Charla impartida en el II Taller de Programación Funcional TPF 2010, September 7 2010. [ bib | http ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo, Álvaro Fernández Díaz, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Developing user-sensitive search engines from fuzzy concepts. In Actas XV Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD'10), pages 175--186, Valencia, Spain, September 7-10 2010. http://www.dsic.upv.es/conferences/jisbd2010/articulos.shtml. [ bib ]
Pablo Nogueira. Programación genérica funcional: variaciones sobre los mismos temas. In II Taller de Programación Funcional, X Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'10, III Congreso Español de Informática - CEDI'10, Valencia, September 7 2010. Sociedad Científica Informática de España, IEEE Sección España, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Mesa redonda "?`qué hace la universidad por el acercamiento de las culturas?". VII Jornadas Internacionales de Innovación Universitaria de la Universidad Europea de Madrid, September 6 2010. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Seminario "introducción al trabajo en equipo i". II Plan de Tutoría Curricular de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, September 2 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
H. Svensson, C. Benac Earle, and L. Fredlund. A unified semantics for future erlang. In Ninth ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, Erlang'10, pages 23--32, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 2010. ACM. [ bib | .pdf ]
D. Castro, C. Benac Earle, L. Fredlund, V. Gulías, and S. Rivas. A verification of a process supervisor with mcerlang. In PROLE 2010 -- Jornadas sobre Programacion y Lenguajes, September 2010. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz Hernández. Internacionalización en los estudios de máster. 1a Jornada De Innovación Educativa: Innovación en la gestión y organización de la docencia y del aprendizaje en los títulos de grado y máster, July 14 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
Álvaro García, Pablo Nogueira, and Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias. The beta cube (extended abstract). In César Muñoz and Hélène Kirchner, editors, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Strategies in Rewriting, Proving, and Programming - IWS'10, pages 3--7, Edinburgh, UK, July 9 2010. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz Hernández. Tecnología para el desarrollo y la cooperación: visión crítica. Introducción a la cooperación universitaria para el desarrollo, July 7 2010. [ bib ]
Jesús Martínez-Mateo, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and David Pérez-Rey. A Discussion of Thin Client Technology for Computer Labs. In Boris Shishkov, George A. Tsihrintzis, and Maria Virvou, editors, First International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT (INNOV 2010), pages 119--124. Interdisciplinary Institute for Collaboration and Research on Enterprise Systems and Technology (IICREST), July 2010. First International Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ICTEL 2010). [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño. Executable specifications in an object oriented formal notation. In 20th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR 2010, pages 144--158, Hagenberg, Austria, July 2010. Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) of the Johannes Kepler University Linz. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
D. Castro, C. Benac Earle, L. Fredlund, V. Gulías, and S. Rivas. Using McErlang to verify an Erlang process supervision component. In Trends in Functional Programming 2010, May 2010. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz Hernández. Experiéncias de tic en desarrollo. Ingeniería de Telecomunicación en Cooperación para el Desarrollo, April 29 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
Susana Muñoz Hernández. Tecnologia para el desarrollo y la cooperacion (tedeco). 1a Jornada de Solidaridad y Cooperacion de la UPM, April 28 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo. Developing user-sensitive e-commerce applications from fuzzy concepts. In Algebraic methods, soft computing, and program verification, "International Center for Mathematical Meetings (CIEM), Castro Urdiales (Cantabria), Spain", April 21-23 2010. Julio Rubio (Univ. de La Rioja) and Manuel Ojeda-Aciego (Univ. de Málaga). Sponsored by: Ingenio2010, CIEM, Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Castro Urdiales. Keynote Speakers: Thomas Arts (Univ. of Gothenburg), Gilles Barthe (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (Software)), Stefan Berghofer (Technische Universität München), Mario de Jesús Pérez Jiménez (Univ. de Sevilla), José Luis Ruiz Reina (Univ. de Sevilla), Enric Trillas (European Centre for Soft Computing). [ bib ]
J.M. Mateo, D.P. del Rey, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Student motivation and cross-curricular development through e-learning applied to cooperation. In Education Engineering (EDUCON), 2010 IEEE, pages 913 --920, April 2010. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. The beta cube, March 29 2010. Poster at the BRICS Retreat 2011. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Rubén Monjaraz. From the π-calculus to Flat GHC. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, March 2010. Advisor: Julio Mariño. Joint degree with TU Dresden. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Iván Pérez. Communication models for resource mashups. Technical Report UPM-BABEL-2010-002, Babel Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, March 2010. [ bib ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Dominic Mulligan. Curry-howard for incomplete first-order logic derivations using one-and-a-half level terms. Information and Computation, 208:230--258, March 2010. [ bib | DOI ]
Susana Muñoz Hernández. Emerging free software market in developing countries. SIGs Online SHARE Event, February 17 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
Teresa Trigo de la Vega, Pedro López-García, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Towards fuzzy granularity control in parallel/distributed computing. In Filipe and Kacprzyk [FK10], pages 43--55. Best Student Paper Award ICFC 2010. [ bib ]
Teresa Trigo de la Vega, Pedro López-García, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. A fuzzy approach to resource aware automatic parallelization. In Kurosh Madani, António Dourado Correia, Agostinho C. Rosa, and Joaquim Filipe, editors, Computational Intelligence - Revised and Selected Papers of the International Joint Conference, IJCCI 2010, Valencia, Spain, October 2010, volume 399 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pages 229--245. Springer, 2010. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Robot Soccer, chapter RFuzzy: an Easy and Expressive Tool for Modelling the Cognitive Layer in RoboCupSoccer. InTech, 2010. Editor Vladan Papic. [ bib | http ]
Ángel Herranz and Iván Pérez. Compatible communication in mashups. Technical Report UPM-BABEL-2010-001, Babel Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, January 2010. [ bib ]
John Derrick, Neil Walkinshaw, Thomas Arts, Clara Benac Earle, Francesco Cesarini, Lars-Ake Fredlund, Victor Gulias, John Hughes, and Simon Thompson. Property-based testing - the protest project. 6286:250--271, 2010. [ bib | http ]
Qiang Guo, John Derrick, Clara Benac Earle, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Model-checking erlang - a comparison between etomcrl2 and mcerlang. In Testing - practice and research techniques (TAIC PART 2010), number 6303, pages 23--3. LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2010. [ bib | Abstract ]
Joaquim Filipe and Janusz Kacprzyk, editors. ICFC-ICNC 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and International Conference on Neural Computation, [parts of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence IJCCI 2010], Valencia, Spain, October 24-26, 2010. SciTePress, 2010. [ bib ]


Murdoch J. Gabbay and Aad Mathijssen. Nominal universal algebra: equational logic with names and binding. Journal of Logic and Computation, 19(6):1455--1508, December 2009. [ bib | DOI ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Stéphane Lengrand. The lambda-context calculus (extended version). Information and Computation, 207:1369--1400, December 2009. [ bib | DOI ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. Evaluation of the λ-calculus. generic evaluators. Talk at the Algebra of Programming Group meeting, October 23 2009. [ bib | http ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo. Negative non-ground queries in well founded semantics. Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, October 2009. Advisor: José Júlio Alves Alferes, Calificación: Notable. [ bib | .html | .pdf ]
Oscar Corcho, Catherine Roussey, Luis Manuel Vilches Blázquez, and Iván Pérez. Pattern-based OWL Ontology Debugging Guidelines. In Eva Blomqvist, Kurt Sandkuhl, Francois Scharffe, and Vojtech Svatek., editors, Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2009), collocated with the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2009)., CEUR Workshop proceedings, pages 68--82, October 2009. http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-516/. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Iván Pérez and Oscar Corcho. Pattern Definitions and Semantically Annotated Instances. In Eva Blomqvist, Kurt Sandkuhl, Francois Scharffe, and Vojtech Svatek, editors, Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2009), collocated with the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2009), CEUR Workshop proceedings, pages 131--138, October 2009. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Rigorous software development using mcerlang. In 14th Conference on Software Engineering and Databases, JISBD'09, pages 335--338, San Sebastián, Spain, September 8--11 2009. [ bib ]
Rahmat Bagas Santoso. Distributed osgi: service and semantic exposition. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, September 2009. Advisor: Lars-Ake Fredlund, Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. [ bib ]
Iván Pérez. Gadget composition and automatic discovery in EzWeb. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, September 2009. Advisor: Susana Muñoz-Hernández, Calificación: Notable. [ bib ]
S. Thompson and Clara Benac Earle, editors. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, September 2009. [ bib | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. Exploring the β-hypercube. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, September 2009. Advisor: Pablo Nogueira. [ bib ]
Guillem Marpons, Julio Mariño, Manuel Carro, Ángel Herranz, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Álvaro Polo. A coding rule conformance checker integrated into GCC. ENTCS, 248:149--159, August 5 2009. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Michael Gabbay and Murdoch J. Gabbay. Term sequent logic. In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2008), volume 246 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 87--106, August 2009. [ bib | DOI ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Dominic P. Mulligan. Two-level lambda-calculus. In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2008), volume 246, pages 107--129, August 2009. [ bib | DOI ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. A functional correspondence between parametric evaluators and which abstract machines? Talk at the Algebra of Programming Group meeting, June 6 2009. [ bib | .pdf ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Jesús Martínez-Mateo. An opportunity for libre software companies: Emerging market in developing countries. The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, X(3):51--53, June 2009. [ bib ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo, Hannes Strass, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Rfuzzy---a framework for multi-adjoint fuzzy logic programming. In Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2009. NAFIPS 2009. Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference, pages 1--6, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 2009. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez. A functional approach to the observer pattern. Talk at the Algebra of Programming Group meeting, May 29 2009. [ bib | .pdf ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Jesús Martínez-Mateo. Una oportunidad para las empresas de software libre: mercado emergente en los paises en vías de desarrollo. Novática, 1(199):44--46, May-June 2009. [ bib ]
Jesús Martínez-Mateo, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and David Pérez-Rey. c&d-learning Implementation Architecture: Adapting e-learning to Developing Countries. In First International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), volume 1, pages 89--96, March 2009. [ bib ]
Toufik Taibi, Ángel Herranz, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Stepwise refinement validation of design patterns formalized in TLA+ using the TLC model checker. Journal of Object Technology (JOT, http://www.jot.fm/general/about/), 8(2):137--161, March 2009. [ bib | DOI | .pdf | Abstract ]
Hannes Strass, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo. Multi-adjoint fuzzy logic programming with defaults and constructive answers. (unpublished), 2009. [ bib | .pdf ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay. Nominal algebra and the HSP theorem. Journal of Logic and Computation, 19(2):341--367, 2009. [ bib ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay. A study of substitution, using nominal techniques and Fraenkel-Mostowski sets. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(12-13):1159--1189, 2009. [ bib | DOI ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Dominic Mulligan. Universal algebra over lambda-terms and nominal terms: the connection in logic between nominal techniques and higher-order variables. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP'09), pages 64--73, 2009. [ bib | DOI ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Aad Mathijssen. A nominal axiomatisation of the lambda-calculus. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2009. Advance access (published online September 2009). [ bib | DOI ]
Gilles Dowek, Murdoch J. Gabbay, and Dominic P. Mulligan. Permissive nominal terms and their unification. In Proceedings of the 24th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC'09), 2009. [ bib ]
Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Debugging and verification of multi-agent systems. In Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, editors, Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2009, 12th International Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 15-20, 2009, Revised Selected Papers, volume 5717 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 263--270. Springer, 2009. [ bib | http ]
Hannes Strass, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo. Operational semantics for a fuzzy logic programming system with defaults and constructive answers. In Carvalho et al. [CDKdCS09], pages 1827--1832. [ bib | .pdf ]
Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Recent improvements to the mcerlang model checker. In Thompson and Benac Earle [TB09], pages 93--100. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz, Julio Mariño, Manuel Carro, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Modeling concurrent systems with shared resources. In Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 14th International Workshop, FMICS 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-3, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5825 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 102--116, 2009. [ bib | http | .pdf | Abstract ]
Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund, J. Iglesias, and A. Ledezma. Verifying robocup teams. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 5348/2009:34--48, 2009. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández, Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo, and Hannes Strass. Rfuzzy: An expressive simple fuzzy compiler. In Cabestany et al. [CSPC09], pages 270--277. [ bib | DOI ]
Gianluca Amato, James Lipton, and Robert McGrail. On the algebraic structure of declarative programming languages. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(46):4626--4671, 2009. [ bib | http ]
Julio Mariño, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Implementing constructive intensional negation. New Generation Computing, 27(1):25--56, January 2009. [ bib ]
Amaya García-Pérez and Álvaro García-Pérez. La afinación de la flauta tradicional de tres agujeros. Revista de Musicología, 22(2):343--361, 2009. [ bib ]
Joan Cabestany, Francisco Sandoval, Alberto Prieto, and Juan M. Corchado, editors. Bio-Inspired Systems: Computational and Ambient Intelligence, 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. Proceedings, Part I, volume 5517 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2009. [ bib ]
João Paulo Carvalho, Didier Dubois, Uzay Kaymak, and João Miguel da Costa Sousa, editors. Proceedings of the Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 20-24, 2009, 2009. [ bib ]


Guillem Marpons. Checking coding rules in OO languages using CRISP. In COST Action IC0701 2nd Meeting, Madrid, Spain, December 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Olivier Hermant and James Lipton. Cut elimination in the intuitionistic theory of types with axioms and rewriting cuts, constructively. In C. E. Benzmüller, C. E. Brown, J. Siekmann, and R. Statman, editors, Reasoning in Simple Type Theory. Festschrift in Honor of Peter B. Andrews on His 70th Birthday, volume 17 of Studies in Logic. Mathematical Logic and Foundations. College Publications, December 1 2008. [ bib ]
Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and Hannes Strass. Rfuzzy framework. In Puri Arenas and Damiano Zanardini, editors, 18th Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments, WLPE 2008, volume abs/0903.2188, pages 62--76, Udine, Italy, December 2008. [ bib | http | http | http | Abstract ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Aad Mathijssen. The lambda-calculus is nominal algebraic. In C. E. Benzmüller, C. E. Brown, J. Siekmann, and R. Statman, editors, Reasoning in Simple Type Theory. Festschrift in Honor of Peter B. Andrews on His 70th Birthday, volume 17 of Studies in Logic. Mathematical Logic and Foundations. College Publications, December 1 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Jesús Martinez, Iván Pérez, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and Daniel Lancho. Thin client technology in the academic environment. In IV Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo, Barcelona, España, November 2008. [ bib ]
Francisco Escudero, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, David Pérez, and Fernándo Suarez. c&d-learning: b-learning eficiente adaptado a paises en desarrollo con bajos recursos. In IV Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo, Barcelona, España, November 2008. [ bib ]
Amaya García-Pérez and Álvaro García-Pérez. La afinación de la flauta tradicional de tres agujeros. In VII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Musicología, Cáceres, España, November 2008. Sociedad Española de Musicología. [ bib ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Aad Mathijssen. One-and-a-halfth-order logic (journal version). Journal of Logic and Computation, 18(4):521--562, November 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Guillem Marpons, Julio Mariño, Manuel Carro, Ángel Herranz, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Álvaro Polo. A coding rule conformance checker integrated into GCC. In Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and María José Suárez-Cabal, editors, VIII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2008, pages 245--249, Gijón, Spain, October 7--10 2008. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Iván Pérez, Ángel Herranz, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Modelling mash-up resources. In 13th Conference on Software Engineering and Databases, JISBD'08, pages 135--146, Gijón, Spain, October 7--10 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Pablo Nogueira and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Bialgebra views: A way for polytypic programming to cohabit with data abstraction. In Ralf Hinze and Don Syme, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming - ICFP-WGP'08, pages 61--73, Victoria (BC), Canada, September 20 2008. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Guillem Marpons. Tutorial: GGCC coding rules with CRISP. In Global GCC Project Seminar, 43 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris, France, September 10 2008. MANDRIVA S.A. [ bib | .pdf ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, James Lipton, Julio Mariño, and Pablo Nogueira. First-order unification using variable-free relational algebra. In Mircea Marin, editor, Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Unification - UNIF'08, Report Series 08-11, Hagenberg, Austria, July 18 2008. RISC-Linz. [ bib | Abstract ]
Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund, J. Iglesias, and A. Ledezma. Verifying robocup teams. In In Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence (MochART), July 2008. [ bib ]
Guillem Marpons, Julio Mariño, and Álvaro Polo. Adding coding rule checking capabilities to the GCC toolchain. In Andrew J. Hutton, C. Craig Ross, and John W. Lockhart, editors, Proceedings of the GCC Developers' Summit 2008, pages 43--54, Ottawa, Canada, June 17--19 2008. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Manuel Freire Morán and Julio Mariño. Voto útil. Novática, 1(193):74, May-June 2008. [ bib ]
Guillem Marpons, Julio Mariño-Carballo, Manuel Carro, Ángel Herranz, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Automatic coding rule conformance checking using logic programming. In Paul Hudak and David Scott Warren, editors, Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, 10th International Symposium, PADL 2008, volume 4902 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 18--34, San Francisco CA, USA, January 7--8 2008. Springer. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Iván Pérez. Formalización de gramáticas paramétricas independientes de contexto e implementación en mtp (formalization of parametric context free grammar and its implementation in mtp). Master's thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2008. To obtain the Computer Science Engineer degree. [ bib ]
Daniel Guimaraes Santos. Distributed implementation of functional logic programming. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2008. Advisor: Julio Mariño Carballo, Calificación: Notable. [ bib ]
Hannes Strasse. Fuzzy reasoning via logic programming. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2008. Advisor: Susana Muñoz Hernández, Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. [ bib ]
Miao Yu. Translation of erlang programs for model checking. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2008. Advisor: Lars-Ake Fredlund, Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. [ bib ]
Olivier Hermant and James Lipton. A constructive semantic approach to cut elimination in type theories with axioms. In Computer Science Logic, volume 5213 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 169--183. Springer, 2008. [ bib ]
Danny Krizanc and James Lipton. Formal treatment of secure protocols. In Evangelos Kranakis, Evgueni Haroutunian, and Elisa Shahbazian, editors, Aspects of Network and Information Security, pages 74--91. IOS Press, 2008. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño and Óscar Martín Sánchez. Las luces de la escalera. Novática, 1(191):72--74, January-February 2008. [ bib ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Aad Mathijssen. Capture-avoiding substitution as a nominal algebra. Formal Aspects of Computing, 20(4-5):451--479, January 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Stéphane Lengrand. The lambda-context calculus. ENTCS, 196:19--35, 2008. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Michael J. Gabbay. a-logic with arrows (journal version). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 216:3--29, 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Michael Gabbay. Substitution for Fraenkel-Mostowski foundations. In Proceedings of the 2008 AISB Symposium on Computing and Philosophy, pages 65--72, 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Dominic P. Mulligan. One-and-a-halfth order terms: Curry-Howard for incomplete derivations. In Wilfrid Hodges and Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz, editors, Proceedings of Workshop on Logic, Language and Information in Computation (WoLLIC 2008), volume 5110 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 179--193, 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Martin Hofmann. Nominal renaming sets. In LPAR'08, volume 5330 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 158--173. Springer, 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]


Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Manuel Carro, Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo, Guillem Marpons, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Study of existing coding rule formalisms and compendium of common hazards. Use of coding rules in software industry. Technical report, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain, November 2007. [ bib ]
Guillem Marpons, Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Manuel Carro, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Automatic coding rule conformance checking using logic programs. CoRR, abs/0711.0344, November 2007. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Álvaro García-Pérez and Nelson Medinilla Martínez. The ambiguity criterion in software design. International Workshop on Living with Uncertainties 2007 (IWLU'07), Co-located with the 22nd International conference on Automated Software engineering (ASE'07), November 2007. [ bib | .html ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias. Relational unification. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, October 2007. Advisor: James Lipton. [ bib ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund and H. Svensson. McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International conference on functional programming (ICFP 2007), October 2007. [ bib | Abstract ]
H. Svensson and Lars-Åke Fredlund. A more accurate semantics for distributed Erlang. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, October 2007. [ bib | Abstract ]
H. Svensson and Lars-Åke Fredlund. Programming distributed Erlang applications: pitfalls and recipes. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, October 2007. [ bib | Abstract ]
S. Thompson and Lars-Åke Fredlund, editors. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, October 2007. [ bib | Abstract ]
Pablo Nogueira. When is an abstract data type a functor? In Henrik Nilsson, editor, Trends in Functional Programming, volume 7, chapter 13, pages 217--231. Intellect, September 30 2007. Winner of Best Student Paper Award. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Cristóbal Pareja Flores and Julio Mariño Carballo. Papiroflexia. Novática, 1(189):73--75, September 2007. [ bib ]
Guillem Marpons, Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Manuel Carro, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Automatic coding rule conformance checking using logic programs. In Patricia Hill and Vim Vanhoof, editors, 17th Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments, WLPE 2007, page 47, Porto, Portugal, September 2007. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Guillem Marpons, Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Manuel Carro, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Towards checking coding rule conformance using logic programming, August 2007. Poster at the 14th International Static Analysis Symposium, SAS 2007. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
James Lipton and Susana Nieva. Higher-order logic programming languages with constraints: A semantics. In Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, volume 4583 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 272--289, Paris, France, June 26--28 2007. Springer. [ bib ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, Julio Mariño-Carballo, and José María Rey Poza. A generic semantics for constraint functional logic programming. In Proc. of the 16th Int'l Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2007), Paris, France, June 25 2007. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Wiratna Sari Wiguna. Fuzzy cognitive layer in robocupsoccer. In 12th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA 2007). Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, pages 635--645, Cancún, México, June 2007. Springer. [ bib ]
Pablo Nogueira. When is an abstract data type a functor? In Henrik Nilsson, editor, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming - TFP'06, pages 217--231, Nottingham, UK, April 19-21 2007. Winner of Best Student Paper Award. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Wiratna Sari Wiguna. Fuzzy prolog as cognitive layer in robocupsoccer. In IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (2007 IEEE Symposia Series in Computational Intelligence), IEEE, pages 340--345, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Design Pattern Formalization Techniques, chapter Modeling and Reasoning about Design Patterns in SLAM-SL. IGI Publishing, March 2007. Other ISBN: 978-1-59904-221-3. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund and J. Sánchez Penas. Model checking a video-on-demand server using mcErlang. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (Eurocast 2007), volume 4739 of LNCS. Springer, February 2007. [ bib | Abstract ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay. Fresh logic: proof-theory and semantics for fm and nominal techniques. Journal of Applied Logic, 5(2):356--387, 2007. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay. A general mathematics of names. Information and Computation, 205(7):982--1011, 2007. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Maribel Fernández and Murdoch J. Gabbay. Nominal rewriting (journal version). Information and Computation, 205(6):917--965, 2007. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay. Hierarchical nominal terms and their theory of rewriting. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 174(5):37--52, 2007. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Murdoch J. Gabbay and Aad Mathijssen. A formal calculus for informal equality with binding. In Proceedings of WOLLIC'07, volume 4576 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 162--176, 2007. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Demand analysis with partial predicates. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 7(1-2):153--182, January 2007. [ bib ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, Julio Mariño-Carballo, and José María Rey Poza. A proposal for disequality constraints in curry. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 177:269--285, 2007. [ bib | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund and H. Svensson. McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 42(9):125--136, 2007. [ bib | Abstract ]


Lars-Åke Fredlund. Implementing WS-CDL. In Procedings of the II Jornadas Científico-Técnicas en Servicios Web (JSWEB 2006), pages 107--113, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 2006. [ bib | Abstract ]
Pablo Nogueira. Context-parametric polykinded types. In Ralf Hinze, editor, Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming - ICFP-WGP'06, pages 45--54, Portland (OR), USA, September 16 2006. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Louise A. Dennis, Pablo Nogueira, and Raul Monroy. Proof-directed debugging and repair. In Henrik Nilsson, editor, 7th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming - TFP'06, Nottingham, UK, April 19-21 2006. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund and Clara Benac Earle. Model checking Erlang programs: The functional approach. In ACM Sigplan International Erlang Workshop, Portland, USA, 2006. [ bib ]


Ángel Herranz and Pablo Nogueira. More than parsing. In Francisco Javier López Fraguas, editor, Actas de las V Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes - PROLE'05, I Congreso Español de Informática - CEDI'05, pages 193--202. Thomson Paraninfo, September 13-16 2005. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Iván Pérez. Automatización de la obtención de claves públicas de confianza. In In Proceedings of the first Spanish Conference on Informatics (CEDI 2005), Information Security Symposium, Granada, September 2005. CEDI'05, Thomson Paraninfo. [ bib | .pdf ]
Julio Mariño and José María Rey. Adding constraints to curry via flat guards. In Michael Hanus, editor, First Workshop on Curry and Functional Logic Programming. ACM Press, September 2005. [ bib ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego and Julio Mariño. An overview of the sloth2005 curry system. In Michael Hanus, editor, First Workshop on Curry and Functional Logic Programming. ACM Press, September 2005. [ bib ]
Louise A. Dennis and Pablo Nogueira. What can be learned from failed proofs of non-theorems? In J. Hurd, E. Smith, and A. Darbari, editors, Emerging Trends Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher-Order Logics TPHOLs'05, Oxford University Computer Laboratory Research Report RR-05-02, pages 45--58, Oxford, UK, August 22-25 2005. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Pablo Nogueira. The gist of side effects in pure functional languages, June 28 2005. Tutorial. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias and Julio Mariño. An overview of the Sloth2005 Curry system: system description. In WCFLP '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Curry and functional logic programming, pages 66--69, New York, NY, USA, 2005. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI ]


Manuel Carro, Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Teaching how to derive correct concurrent programs from state-based specifications. Full paper, September 2004. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño. Por otra ruta, por favor. Novática, 1(170):73--75, August 2004. Contribución a la columna "Programar es Crear". [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño. Por otra ruta, por favor (cupcam 2003, problema e, solución). Novatica, 1(170):73, July 2004. Sección “Programar es crear”. [ bib | .pdf ]
José A. Leiva and Ángel Herranz. Un refactorizador simple (cupcam 2003, problema d, solución). Novatica, 1(169):74, May 2004. Sección “Programar es crear”. [ bib | .pdf ]
Julio Mariño, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Constructive intensional negation. In Stuckey and Kameyama, editors, Functional and Logic Programming Symposium, number 2998 in LNCS, pages 39--54, Nara, Japan, April 2004. Springer. [ bib ]
S. Guadarrama, Susana Muñoz-Hernández, and C. Vaucheret. Fuzzy prolog: a new approach using soft constraints propagation. Fuzzy Sets and Systems (FSS), 144(1):127 -- 150, 2004. Possibilistic Logic and Related Issues. [ bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Implementation results in classical constructive negation. In Demoen and Lifschitz [DL04], pages 284--298. [ bib ]
Bart Demoen and Vladimir Lifschitz, editors. Logic Programming, 20th International Conference, ICLP 2004, Saint-Maló, France, September 6-10, 2004, Proceedings, volume 3132 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Springer, 2004. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández, J. Mariño, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Constructive intensional negation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposiun in Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS'04, number 2998 in LNCS, pages 39--54, Nara, Japan, 2004. [ bib ]
Manuel Carro, Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Teaching how to derive correct concurrent programs (from state-based specifications and code patterns). In C.N. Dean and R.T. Boute, editors, Teaching Formal Methods, CoLogNET/FME Symposium, TFM 2004, Ghent, Belgium, volume 3294 of LNCS, pages 85--106. Springer, 2004. ISBN 3-540-23611-2. [ bib ]


Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Formal agility. how much of each? In Taller de Metodologías Ágiles en el Desarrollo del Software. VIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD 2003, pages 47--51, Alicante, España, November 2003. Grupo ISSI. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz, Noelia Maya, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. From executable specifications to java. In Juan José Moreno-Navarro and Manuel Palomar, editors, III Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2003, pages 33--44, Alicante, España, November 2003. Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad de Alicante. Depósito Legal MU-2299-2003. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Rapid prototyping and incremental evolution using SLAM. In 14th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, RSP 2003, San Diego, California, USA, June 2003. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Formal extreme (and extremely formal) programming. In Michele Marchesi and Giancarlo Succi, editors, 4th International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, XP 2003, number 2675 in LNCS, pages 88--96, Genova, Italy, May 2003. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz, Manuel Carro, Julio Mariño, and Pablo Sánchez Torralba. Almejas gigantes e interfaces de usuario. Novática, 1(161):70--73, February 2003. Contribución a la columna "Programar es Crear". [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz, Julio Mariño, Manuel Carro, and Pablo Sanchez. Almejas gigantes e interfaces de usuario (solución del programa e). Novatica, 1(161):70, January 2003. Sección “Programar es crear”. [ bib | .pdf ]
José María Rey. Demand analysis via the dynamic generation of finite domains. Available at http://babel.ls.fi.upm.es/publications, 2003. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. A Negation System for Prolog. PhD thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2003. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández, J. Mariño, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Constructive intensional negation: a practical implementation. In Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP)'03, 2003. [ bib ]


Ángel Herranz, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Noelia Maya. Declarative reflection and its application as a pattern language. In Marco Comini and Moreno Falaschi, editors, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 76. Elsevier Science Publishers, November 2002. [ bib | .pdf | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Claudio Vaucheret, Sergio Guadarrama, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Fuzzy Prolog: A simple general implementation using clp(r). In Baaz and Voronkov [BV02], pages 450--463. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz, Manuel Carro, Julio Mariño, and Pablo Sánchez Torralba. No taléis el bosque por culpa de los árboles. Novática, 1(159):74--77, October 2002. Contribución a la columna "Programar es Crear". [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz, Julio Mariño, Manuel Carro, and Pablo Sanchez. No taléis el bosque por culpa de los árboles: solución. Novatica, 1(159):74, September 2002. Sección “Programar es crear”. [ bib | .pdf ]
Noelia Maya. SLAM: Desarrollo de software a partir de especificaciones. análisis, tipos y compilación. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo s/n, 28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Spain, September 2002. In Spanish. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Constructive negation for Prolog: A real implementation. In J.J. Moreno-Navarro and J. Mariño, editors, Joint Conference on Declarative Programming: APPIA-GULP-PRODE 2002, pages 39--52, Madrid, Spain, September 2002. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández, Claudio Vaucheret, and Sergio Guadarrama. Combining crisp and fuzzy logic in a Prolog compiler. In J.J. Moreno-Navarro and J. Mariño, editors, Joint Conference on Declarative Programming: APPIA-GULP-PRODE 2002, pages 23--38, Madrid, Spain, September 2002. [ bib ]
C. Vaucheret, S. Guadarrama, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Fuzzy Prolog: A simple general implementation using clp(r). In P.J. Stuckey, editor, International Conference in Logic Programming, ICLP 2002, number 2401 in LNCS, page 469, Copenhagen, Denmark, July/August 2002. Springer-Verlag. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Noelia Maya. Declarative reflection and its application as a pattern language. In Marco Comini and Moreno Falaschi, editors, 11th. International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP'02), Grado, Italy, June 2002. University of Udine. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Specifying in the large: Object-oriented specifications in the software development process. In B. J. Krämer H. Ehrig and A. Ertas, editors, The Sixth Biennial World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT'02), volume 1, Pasadena, California, June 2002. Society for Design and Process Science. ISSN 1090-9389. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Manuel Carro, Julio Mariño, and Pablo Sánchez Torralba. !`queso! Novática, 1(157):73--76, June 2002. Contribución a la columna "Programar es Crear". [ bib ]
Carlos Gregorio, Ángel Herranz, and Raquel Martinez. Computing curricula 2001. Novática, 1(157):47--54, May 2002. In Spanish. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf | Abstract ]
Julio Mariño. Semantics and Analysis of Functional Logic Programs. PhD thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, May 2002. [ bib ]
Manuel Carro, Julio Mariño, and Pablo Sánchez Torralba. Configuración de un aeropuerto. Novática, 1(156):72--75, April 2002. Contribución a la columna "Programar es Crear". [ bib ]
Manuel Carro, Ángel Herranz, Julio Mariño, and Pablo Sánchez. Configuración de un aeropuerto: solución. Novatica, 1(156):72, March 2002. Sección “Programar es crear”. [ bib | .pdf ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. On the design of an object-oriented formal notation. In Fourth Workshop on Rigorous Object Oriented Methods, ROOM 4. King's College, London, March 2002. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Juan José Moreno-Navarro. From specifications to programs or how to construct programs in the internet age. In International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science, and e-Medicine on the Internet on the Internet (SSGRR'02), L'Aquila, Italy, January 2002. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Intelligent agent to implement logic negation. In J.L. Perez de la Cruz and J. Pavon, editors, 4th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, IBERAGENTS'02, Malaga (Spain), 2002. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. A practical implementation of intensional negation. In María Alpuente, editor, Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming, pages i--j. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2002. [ bib ]
Matthias Baaz and Andrei Voronkov, editors. Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, 9th International Conference, LPAR 2002, Tbilisi, Georgia, October 14-18, 2002, Proceedings, volume 2514 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer, 2002. [ bib ]


Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Design patterns as class operators. Workshop on High Integrity Software Development at V Spanish Conference on Software Engineering, JISBD'01, November 2001. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Declarative reflection and its application as a pattern language. In Fernando Orejas, Fernando Cuartero, and Diego Cazorla, editors, I Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2001, pages 179--197, Almagro, Spain, November 2001. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Lars-Åke Fredlund. A Framework for Reasoning about Erlang Code. PhD thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2001. [ bib ]
Juan José Moreno-Navarro and Ángel Herranz. Declarative reflection and its application as a pattern language. Invited Session on “Formalization of Object-Oriented Methods, Patterns, and Frameworks”, The Fifth Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI'2001), July 2001. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Slam-sl Tutorial. Grupo Babel, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo s/n, 28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Spain, 2001. Draft based on Ángel Herranz's PhD. Thesis. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and M. Hermenegildo. Efficient negation using abstract interpretation. In R.Nieuwenhuis and A. Voronkov, editors, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, pages 485--494, La Habana (Cuba), 2001. [ bib ]
C. Vaucheret, S. Guadarrama, and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Fuzzy Prolog: A simple implementation using clp(R). In Constraints and Uncertainty, Paphos (Cyprus), 2001. [ bib | .ps ]


Pablo Nogueira. El lenguaje C--: Manual de referencia, tutorial y semántica formal. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo s/n, 28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Spain, November 2000. In Spanish. [ bib | .ps ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Towards automating the iterative rapid prototyping process with the SLAM system. In V Spanish Conference on Software Engineering, pages 217--228, November 2000. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Ángel Herranz, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Julio Mariño. Demand analysis with partial predicates. In 9th International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP 2000), Benicassim, Spain, September 2000. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. On the role of functional-logic languages for the debugging of imperative programs. In 9th International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP 2000), Benicassim, Spain, September 2000. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Partial predicates for demand analysis. In María Alpuente, editor, 8th. Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming, WFLP2000, pages 324--339. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, September 2000. [ bib ]
Ángel Herranz and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Generation of and debugging with logical pre and post conditions. In M. Ducasse, editor, Automated and Algorithmic Debugging 2000. TU Munich, August 2000. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. How to incorporate negation in a Prolog compiler. In V. Santos Costa E. Pontelli, editor, 2nd International Workshop PADL'2000, volume 1753 of LNCS, pages 124--140, Boston, MA (USA), 2000. Springer. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and M. Hermenegildo. Efficient implementation of general negation using abstract interpretation. In Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, La Habana (Cuba), 2000. [ bib | .ps.gz ]
Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Using static analysis to compile non-sequential functional logic programs. In Enrico Pontelli and Vítor Santos Costa, editors, Practical Aspects of Declarative Programming (PADL 2000), volume 1753 of LNCS, pages 63--80. Springer, January 2000. [ bib ]


Juan José Moreno-Navarro and Susana Muñoz-Hernández. On the practical use of negation in a Prolog compiler. In M. Vilares-Ferro J.L. Freire-Nistal, M. Falaschi, editor, Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, pages 457--469, A Coruña (Spain), 1998. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Recovering sequentiality in functional logic programs. In Vilares-Ferro, editor, APPIA-GULP-PRODE'98. Universidad de La Coruña, 1998. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño and José María Rey. The implementation of Curry via its translation into Prolog. In Kuchen, editor, 7th Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP98), number 63 in Working Papers. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 1998. [ bib ]
James Lipton and Robert McGrail. Encapsulating data in logic programming via categorial constraints. In PLILP'98/ALP'98: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Principles of Declarative Programming, pages 391--410, London, UK, 1998. Springer-Verlag. [ bib ]


Juan José Moreno-Navarro. An introduction to program systematic development. Educational Report, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1997. In Spanish. [ bib ]
Susana Muñoz-Hernández. Algunas técnicas para el tratamiento de información negativa en Prolog. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1997. [ bib ]
José María Rey and Julio Mariño. Implementación de Curry mediante su traducción a Prolog. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1997. In Spanish. [ bib ]


Herbert Kuchen, Rita Loogen, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo. The functional logic language BABEL and its implementation on a graph machine. New Generation Computing, 14(4):391--427, 1996. [ bib | .html | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
J.J. Moreno-Navarro, J. Mariño, J. García Martín, Ángel Herranz, and A. del Pozo. Adding type-classes to functional-logic languages. In M. Martelli and M. Navarro, editors, APPIA-GULP-PRODE'96, pages 427--438. Universidad del País Vasco, Summer Courses, Basque Country University, 1996. [ bib ]


Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Magic set transforms for functional logic programs. In Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming, Baiersbronn-Schwarzenberg (Germany). University of Dortmund, January 1995. [ bib ]


Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Expressivity of functional-logic languages and their implementation. In M. Alpuente and R. Barbuti, editors, Joint Conference on Declarative Programming GULP-PRODE'94. GULP (Italian ALP Chapter), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Servicio de publicaciones Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, September 1994. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]


Ángel Herranz. Interpretación abstracta de lenguajes lógico funcionales. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo s/n, 28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Spain, October 1993. In Spanish. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Julio Mariño, Ángel Herranz, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Demandedness analysis with dependence information for lazy narrowing. In W. Winsborough and S. Michaylov, editors, Workshop on Global Compilation, International Logic Programming Symposium October 26-30, 1993, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pages 99--114. Association for Logic Programming and Simon Fraser University, October 1993. Penn State University Technical Report. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño and Ángel Herranz. Specialized compilation of lazy functional logic programs. In Segundo Congreso Nacional de Programación Declarativa -- 2nd Spanish Conference on Declarative Programming (ProDe'93), pages 39--55. Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial, CSIC, 1993. [ bib ]
Juan José Moreno-Navarro, Herbert Kuchen, Julio Mariño, Stephan Winkler, and Werner Hans. Efficient lazy narrowing using demandedness analysis. In 5th International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, PLILP'93, volume 714 of LNCS, pages 167--183. Springer, 1993. [ bib ]


H. Kuchen, F. López-Fraguas, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and M. Rodríguez-Artalejo. Implementing a lazy functional logic language with disequality constraints. In K. Apt, editor, Joint International Confeence and Symposium on Logic Programming - JICSLP'92, Washington (USA), pages 207--221. Association for Logic Programming and University of Maryland, The MIT Press, November 1992. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
J. A. Jiménez, J. Mariño, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Efficient compilation of lazy narrowing into prolog. In T. Clement and Kung-Kiu Lau, editors, Workshop on Logic on Program Synthesis and Transformation - LOPSTR'92, Manchester (UK), page 14. University of Manchester, Workshops in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, January 1993., August 1992. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Efficient compilation of lazy narrowing into Prolog. In Tim Clement and Kung Kiu Lau, editors, Workshop on Logic on Program Synthesis and Transformation - LOPSTR'92, Manchester (UK). ISBN 3-540-19806-7, Workshops in Computing, pages 253--270. University of Manchester, Springer Verlag, August 1992. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño. La implementación del narrowing perezoso en prolog. Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, July 1992. In Spanish. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Some notes on lazy evaluation. In 1st Compulog Workshop on Programming Languages, Pisa. University of Pisa, April 1992. [ bib ]
Julio Mariño, Jose Andrés Jiménez Martín, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro. Some techniques for the efficient compilation of lazy narrowing into Prolog. In Primer Congreso Nacional de Programación Declarativa -- 1st Spanish Conference on Declarative Programming (ProDe'92), pages 53--68. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1992. [ bib ]


Juan José Moreno-Navarro, Herbert Kuchen, Rita Loogen, and Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo. Lazy narrowing in a graph machine. In H. Kichner and W. Wechler, editors, 2nd International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming, Nancy (France), pages 298--317. CRIN (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy), LNCS, Springer Verlag, October 1990. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Herbert Kuchen, Rita Loogen, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo. Graph-based implementation of a functional logic language. In N. Jones, editor, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Programming, volume 432, Berlin, 1990. Springer-Verlag. [ bib | .html | .ps.gz | Abstract ]