@comment{{Al final apareciĆ³ en 2018}}
@mastersthesis{aherranz:master, author = {{{\'{A}}ngel} Herranz}, title = {Interpretaci{\'{o}}n Abstracta de Lenguajes L{\'{o}}gico Funcionales}, school = {Facultad de Inform{\'{a}}tica, Universidad Polit{\'{e}}cnica de Madrid}, year = {1993}, address = {Campus de Montegancedo s/n, 28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Spain}, month = oct, note = {In Spanish}, abstract = {The aim of this work is to formulate a framework for the abstract interpretation of functional logic languages based on its operational semantics that allows for the most usual analyses needed in declarative programming: mode inference, optimal garbage collection, detection of parallel computations etc. Besides, it should allow for analyses of particular features of a lazy language. }, postscript = {http://babel.ls.fi.upm.es/~angel/papers/aherranz-master.ps.gz} }
@inproceedings{MHM93, author = {Julio Mari{\~{n}}o and {{\'{A}}ngel} Herranz and Juan Jos{\'{e}} {Moreno-Navarro}}, title = {Demandedness Analysis with Dependence Information for Lazy Narrowing}, editor = {W. Winsborough and S. Michaylov}, booktitle = {Workshop on Global Compilation, International Logic Programming Symposium October 26-30, 1993, Vancouver, BC, Canada}, year = {1993}, organization = {Association for Logic Programming and Simon Fraser University}, pages = {99--114}, month = oct, note = {Penn State University Technical Report} }
@inproceedings{HM93, author = {Julio Mari{\~{n}}o and {{\'{A}}ngel} Herranz}, title = {Specialized Compilation of Lazy Functional Logic Programs}, year = {1993}, pages = {39--55}, organization = {Instituto de Investigaci{\'{o}}n en Inteligencia Artificial, CSIC}, booktitle = {Segundo Congreso Nacional de Programaci{\'{o}}n Declarativa -- 2nd Spanish Conference on Declarative Programming (ProDe'93)} }
@inproceedings{MKM93, author = {Juan Jos{\'{e}} {Moreno-Navarro} and Herbert Kuchen and Julio Mari{\~{n}}o and Stephan Winkler and Werner Hans}, title = {Efficient Lazy Narrowing Using Demandedness Analysis}, year = {1993}, pages = {167--183}, booktitle = {5th International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, PLILP'93}, series = {LNCS}, volume = 714, publisher = {Springer} }
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