H. Kuchen, F. López-Fraguas, Juan José Moreno-Navarro, and
M. Rodríguez-Artalejo.
Implementing a lazy functional logic language with disequality
In K. Apt, editor, Joint International Confeence and Symposium
on Logic Programming - JICSLP'92, Washington (USA), pages 207--221.
Association for Logic Programming and University of Maryland, The MIT Press,
November 1992.
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In this paper, we investigate the implementation of a lazy
functional logic language (in particular the language BABEL)
which uses disequality constraints for solving equations and
building answers. We specify a new operational semantics
which combines lazy narrowing with disequality constraints
and we define an abstract machine tailored to the execution
of BABEL programs according to this semantics. The machine
is designed as a quite natural extension of a lazy graph
narrowing machine. Disjunctions of disequalities are handled
using the backtracking mechanism.
Keywords: implementation of functional logic languages, lazy
J. A. Jiménez, J. Mariño, and Juan José Moreno-Navarro.
Efficient compilation of lazy narrowing into prolog.
In T. Clement and Kung-Kiu Lau, editors, Workshop on Logic on
Program Synthesis and Transformation - LOPSTR'92, Manchester (UK), page 14.
University of Manchester, Workshops in Computer Science, Springer Verlag,
January 1993., August 1992.
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The paper presents new techniques for the transformation of
lazy narrowing in logic programs. A formalism, called demand
patterns, is introduced, and used to define a demand driven
strategy to compute lazy narrowing. The strategy is used to
produce standard PROLOG code from programs written in a
functional-logic language. Our method has a number of
advantages over other approaches. While it can compute a
larger class of program, it needs less reevaluation effort,
and fully uses efficient elements of PROLOG compilers. The
gain of efficiency is shown by presenting the execution
times of some example programs.
Keywords: implementation of functional logic languages, compilation of
functional logic languages into prolog
Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro.
Efficient compilation of lazy narrowing into Prolog.
In Tim Clement and Kung Kiu Lau, editors, Workshop on Logic on
Program Synthesis and Transformation - LOPSTR'92, Manchester (UK). ISBN
3-540-19806-7, Workshops in Computing, pages 253--270. University of
Manchester, Springer Verlag, August 1992.
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Julio Mariño.
La implementación del narrowing perezoso en prolog.
Master's thesis, Facultad de Informática, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, July 1992.
In Spanish.
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Julio Mariño and Juan José Moreno-Navarro.
Some notes on lazy evaluation.
In 1st Compulog Workshop on Programming Languages, Pisa.
University of Pisa, April 1992.
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Julio Mariño, Jose Andrés Jiménez Martín, and
Juan José Moreno-Navarro.
Some techniques for the efficient compilation of lazy narrowing into
In Primer Congreso Nacional de Programación Declarativa --
1st Spanish Conference on Declarative Programming (ProDe'92), pages 53--68.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1992.
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