@comment{{Al final apareciĆ³ en 2018}}
  revisores = {no},
  internacional = {yes},
  tipoactividad = {Otras publicaciones},
  author = {Juli{\'{a}}n Alarte and
               David Insa and
               Josep Silva and
               Salvador Tamarit},
  title = {A Benchmark Suite for Template Detection and Content Extraction},
  journal = {CoRR},
  volume = {abs/1409.6182},
  year = {2014},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.6182},
  timestamp = {Wed, 01 Oct 2014 15:00:04 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/AlarteIST14a},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  revisores = {yes},
  internacional = {no},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {Juli{\'{a}}n Alarte and
               David Insa and
               Josep Silva and
               Salvador Tamarit},
  title = {Web Template Extraction Based on Hyperlink Analysis},
  booktitle = {Proceedings {XIV} Jornadas sobre Programaci{\'{o}}n y Lenguajes,
               {PROLE} 2014, Cadiz, Spain, September 16-19, 2014.},
  pages = {16--26},
  year = {2014},
  crossref = {DBLP:journals/corr/Escobar15},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.173.2},
  doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.173.2},
  timestamp = {Fri, 04 Mar 2016 13:11:18 +0100},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/AlarteIST15},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  editor = {Santiago Escobar},
  title = {Proceedings {XIV} Jornadas sobre Programaci{\'{o}}n y Lenguajes,
               {PROLE} 2014, Cadiz, Spain, September 16-19, 2014},
  series = {{EPTCS}},
  volume = {173},
  year = {2015},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.173},
  doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.173},
  timestamp = {Fri, 04 Mar 2016 13:11:18 +0100},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/Escobar15},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  revisores = {yes},
  internacional = {yes},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {Juli{\'{a}}n Alarte and
               David Insa and
               Josep Silva and
               Salvador Tamarit},
  title = {Automatic Detection of Webpages that Share the Same Web Template},
  booktitle = {Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Automated Specification
               and Verification of Web Systems, {WWV} 2014, Vienna, Austria, July
               18, 2014.},
  pages = {2--15},
  year = {2014},
  crossref = {DBLP:journals/corr/BeekR14},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.163.2},
  doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.163.2},
  timestamp = {Tue, 07 Oct 2014 17:26:24 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/AlarteIST14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  editor = {Maurice H. ter Beek and
               Ant{\'{o}}nio Ravara},
  title = {Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Automated Specification
               and Verification of Web Systems, {WWV} 2014, Vienna, Austria, July
               18, 2014},
  series = {{EPTCS}},
  volume = {163},
  year = {2014},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.163},
  doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.163},
  timestamp = {Tue, 07 Oct 2014 17:26:24 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/BeekR14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  revisores = {yes},
  internacional = {yes},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {Rafael Caballero and
               Enrique Martin{-}Martin and
               Adri{\'{a}}n Riesco and
               Salvador Tamarit},
  title = {{EDD:} {A} Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs},
  booktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
               - 20th International Conference, {TACAS} 2014, Held as Part of the
               European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, {ETAPS}
               2014, Grenoble, France, April 5-13, 2014. Proceedings},
  pages = {581--586},
  year = {2014},
  crossref = {DBLP:conf/tacas/2014},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-54862-8_49},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-54862-8_49},
  timestamp = {Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:19:21 +0100},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/tacas/CaballeroMRT14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  editor = {Erika {\'{A}}brah{\'{a}}m and
               Klaus Havelund},
  title = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
               - 20th International Conference, {TACAS} 2014, Held as Part of the
               European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, {ETAPS}
               2014, Grenoble, France, April 5-13, 2014. Proceedings},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {8413},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2014},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-54862-8},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-54862-8},
  isbn = {978-3-642-54861-1},
  timestamp = {Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:12:27 +0100},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/tacas/2014},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  revisores = {yes},
  internacional = {no},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {Juli{\'{a}}n Alarte and
                David Insa and
                Josep Silva and
                Salvador Tamarit},
  title = {Site-Level Template Extraction Based on Hyperlink Analysis},
  booktitle = {XIV Jornadas sobre Programaci{\'{o}}n y Lenguajes, PROLE 2014},
  year = 2014,
  publisher = {Universidad de C{\'{a}}diz}
  revisores = {yes},
  internacional = {no},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {Rafael Caballero and
             Enrique Martin{-}Martin and
             Adri{\'{a}}n Riesco and
             Salvador Tamarit},
  title = {EDD: A Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs},
  booktitle = {XIV Jornadas sobre Programaci{\'{o}}n y Lenguajes, PROLE 2014},
  year = 2014,
  publisher = {Universidad de C{\'{a}}diz}
  tipoactividad = {Tesis doctorales le{\'{i}}das},
  internacional = {yes},
  calificacion = {sobresaliente},
  author = {{{\'{A}}lvaro} {Garc{\'{i}}a-P{\'{e}}rez}},
  title = {Operational Aspects of Full Reduction in Lambda Calculi},
  school = {Escuela T{\'{e}}cnica Superior de Ingenieros Inform{\'{a}}ticos, Universidad
                  Polit{\'{e}}cnica de Madrid},
  year = {2014},
  url = {http://oa.upm.es/32851/},
  pdf = {http://oa.upm.es/32851/1/ALVARO_GARCIA_PEREZ.pdf},
  note = {Advisors: Juan Jos{\'{e}} Moreno-Navarro and Pablo
                  Nogueira. Menci{\'{o}}n de Doctor Internacional. Doctorado con
                  Menci{\'{o}}n de Calidad MCD2006-00306 y Menci{\'{o}}n hacia la
                  Excelencia MEE2011-0242},
  abstract = {This thesis studies full reduction in lambda calculi. In a
                  nutshell, full reduction consists in evaluating the body of
                  the functions in a functional programming language with
                  binders. The classical (i.e., pure untyped) lambda calculus
                  is set as the formal system that models the functional
                  paradigm. Full reduction is a prominent technique when
                  programs are treated as data objects, for instance when
                  performing optimisations by partial evaluation, or when some
                  attribute of the program is represented by a program itself,
                  like the type in modern proof assistants.  A notable feature
                  of many full-reducing operational semantics is its hybrid
                  nature, which is introduced and which constitutes the
                  guiding theme of the thesis. In the lambda calculus, the
                  hybrid nature amounts to a 'phase distinction' in the
                  treatment of abstractions when considered either from
                  outside or from inside themselves. This distinction entails
                  a layered structure in which a hybrid semantics depends on
                  one or more subsidiary semantics.  From a programming
                  languages standpoint, the thesis shows how to derive
                  implementations of full-reducing operational semantics from
                  their specifications, by using program transformations
                  techniques. The program transformation techniques are
                  syntactical transformations which preserve the semantic
                  equivalence of programs. The existing program transformation
                  techniques are adjusted to work with implementations of
                  hybrid semantics. The thesis also shows how full reduction
                  impacts the implementations that use the environment
                  technique. The environment technique is a key ingredient of
                  real-world implementations of abstract machines which helps
                  to circumvent the issue with binders.  From a formal systems
                  standpoint, the thesis discloses a novel consistent theory
                  for the call-by-value variant of the lambda calculus which
                  accounts for full reduction. This novel theory entails a
                  notion of observational equivalence which distinguishes more
                  points than other existing theories for the call-by-value
                  lambda calculus. This contribution helps to establish a
                  'standard theory' in that calculus which constitutes the
                  analogous of the 'standard theory' advocated by Barendregt
                  in the classical lambda calculus. Some proof-theoretical
                  results are presented, and insights on the model-theoretical
                  study are given.}
  author = {Clara Benac Earle and
               Lars{-}{\AA}ke Fredlund and
               {\'{A}}ngel Herranz{-}Nieva and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  abstract = {
This article describes a systematic approach to testing behavioural
aspects of Web Services that communicate using the JSON data format.
As a key component, the Quviq QuickCheck property-based testing
tool is used to automatically generate a large number of test cases
from an abstract description of the service behaviour in the form of a
finite state machine.  The same behavioural description is also used
to decide whether the execution of a test case is successful or not.
To generate random JSON data for populating tests we have developed a
new library, jsongen, which given a characterisation of the JSON data
as a JSON schema, (i) automatically derives a QuickCheck generator which
can generate an infinite number of JSON values that
validate against the schema, and (ii) provides a generic QuickCheck state
machine which is capable of following the (hyper)links documented
in the JSON schema, to automatically explore the web service.
The default behaviour of the state machine can be easily customized
to include web service specific checks.
The article illustrates the approach by
developing a finite state machine model for the testing of a
JSON-based web service.
  title = {Jsongen: a quickcheck based library for testing {JSON} web services},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth {ACM} {SIGPLAN} workshop on Erlang,
               Gothenburg, Sweden, September 5, 2014},
  pages = {33--41},
  year = {2014},
  crossref = {DBLP:conf/erlang/2014},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2633448.2633454},
  doi = {10.1145/2633448.2633454},
  timestamp = {Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:14:49 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/erlang/EarleFHM14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  author = {Lars{-}{\AA}ke Fredlund and
               Clara Benac Earle and
               {\'{A}}ngel Herranz{-}Nieva and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o{-}Carballo},
  abstract = {
This article describes a systematic approach to testing behavioural
aspects of Web Services that communicate using the JSON data format.
As a key component, the Quviq QuickCheck property-based testing
tool is used to automatically generate a large number of test cases
from an abstract description of the service behaviour in the form of a
finite state machine.  The same behavioural description is also used
to decide whether the execution of a test case is successful or not.
To generate random JSON data for populating tests we have developed a
new library, jsongen, which given a characterisation of the JSON data
as a JSON schema, automatically derives a QuickCheck generator which
is capable of generating an infinite number of JSON values that
validate against the schema. The article illustrates the approach by
developing a finite state machine model for the testing of a stateful
JSON-based web service.
  title = {Property-Based Testing of {JSON} Based Web Services},
  booktitle = {2014 {IEEE} International Conference on Web Services, ICWS, 2014,
               Anchorage, AK, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2014},
  pages = {704--707},
  year = {2014},
  crossref = {DBLP:conf/icws/2014},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICWS.2014.110},
  doi = {10.1109/ICWS.2014.110},
  timestamp = {Thu, 20 Aug 2015 15:12:37 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/icws/FredlundEHM14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  author = {Clara Benac Earle and
               Lars{-}{\AA}ke Fredlund and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o and
               Thomas Arts},
  title = {Teaching Students Property-Based Testing},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  abstract = {
Testing is a crucial aspect of the development of dependable embedded
systems, and therefore a significant effort is put into researching
and developing efficient testing techniques. However, testing is not
normally taught in specific courses at many universities, but rather as a
peripheral activity to programming.

In this paper, we report on three separate experiences at teaching an
advanced testing technique, property-based testing, and a supporting
tool, QuviQ QuickCheck, to both undergraduate and master students.
  booktitle = {2014 40th {EUROMICRO} Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced
               Applications, Verona, Italy, August 27-29, 2014},
  pages = {437--442},
  year = {2014},
  optcrossref = {DBLP:conf/euromicro/2014},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SEAA.2014.74},
  doi = {10.1109/SEAA.2014.74},
  timestamp = {Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:55:01 +0100},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/euromicro/EarleFMA14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  author = {Lars{-}{\AA}ke Fredlund and
               {\'{A}}ngel Herranz{-}Nieva and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o},
  abstract = {
The paper describes an approach to testing
a class of safety-critical concurrent systems
implemented using shared resources.

Shared resources are characterized using a declarative
specification, from which both an efficient
implementation can be derived, and which serves as the
first approximation of the state-based test model used
for testing an implementation of the resource.

In this article the methodology is illustrated by applying
it to the task of testing the safety-critical software
that controls an automated shipping plant,
specified as a shared resource,
which serves shipping orders using a set
of autonomous robots. The operations of the robots are
governed by a set of rules limiting the weight
of robots, and their cargo, to ensure safe operations.
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  title = {A Testing-Based Approach to Ensure the Safety of Shared Resource Concurrent
  booktitle = {Software Engineering and Formal Methods - {SEFM} 2014 Collocated Workshops:
               HOFM, SAFOME, OpenCert, MoKMaSD, WS-FMDS, Grenoble, France, September
               1-2, 2014, Revised Selected Papers},
  pages = {116--130},
  year = {2014},
  optcrossref = {DBLP:conf/sefm/2014w},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15201-1_8},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-15201-1_8},
  timestamp = {Thu, 05 Feb 2015 11:00:54 +0100},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/sefm/FredlundHM14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  author = {Ricardo J. Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and
               Lars{-}{\AA}ke Fredlund and
               {\'{A}}ngel Herranz{-}Nieva and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  abstract = {
Validation of a system design enables to discover
specification errors before it is implemented (or tested), thus
hopefully reducing the development cost and time.  The Unified
Modelling Language (UML) is becoming widely accepted for the early
specification and analysis of requirements for safety-critical
systems, although a better balance between UML's undisputed
flexibility, and a precise unambiguous semantics, is needed.
In this paper we introduce {\umerl}, a tool that is capable of
executing and formally verifying UML diagrams (namely, UML
state machine, class and object diagrams) by means of a translation
of its behavioural information into Erlang. The use of the tool is
illustrated with an example in embedded software design.
  title = {Execution and Verification of {UML} State Machines with Erlang},
  booktitle = {Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 12th International Conference,
               {SEFM} 2014, Grenoble, France, September 1-5, 2014. Proceedings},
  pages = {284--289},
  year = {2014},
  optcrossref = {DBLP:conf/sefm/2014},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10431-7_22},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-10431-7_22},
  timestamp = {Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:36:35 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/sefm/RodriguezFHM14},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  title = {Enhancing Control over Jason Agents},
  booktitle = {{XIV} {J}ornadas sobre {P}rogramaci{\'{o}}n y
                  {L}enguajes - {PROLE'14}},
  year = {2014},
  abstract = {Agent-oriented programming languages like Jason (and its interpreter) facilitate programming mul-
tiagent systems because they provide the necessary infrastructure. However, several of these agent-
oriented languages are not entirely self-contained. Programmers may have to write code in the low-
level language used to implement the agent-oriented programming platform to implement some de-
sired agent behaviour. For example, Jason programmers write Java code to modify the treatment of
unexpected goals in the Jason reasoning cycle, or to fix the intention execution order.
In this paper, we discuss the problems such a dependence on underlying implementation lan-
guages presents to an agent language, and in the case of Jason we propose a solution based on
extending the language with new syntactic constructs for more precise control of the execution flow
of Jason agents. These new control mechanisms have been implemented in our Jason interpreter
  pdf = {http://sistedes2014.uca.es/Actas-PROLE-2014.pdf},
  month = {September},
  publisher = {Universidade da Coru{\~{n}}a},
  editor = {Santiago Escobar}
  author = {Pablos-Ceruelo, V{\'{i}}ctor and Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana},
  title = {Enriching Traditional Databases with Fuzzy Definitions to Allow Flexible and Expressive Searches},
  year = {2014},
  month = {October},
  day = {22-24},
  pages = {111-118},
  abstract = {Although the relevance of fuzzy information to represent concepts of real life is evident, almost all databases contain just crisp information. The main reason for this, apart from the tradition, is that fuzzy information is most of the times subjective and storing all users points of view is unfeasible. Allowing fuzzy concepts in the queries increases the queries' expressiveness and asking for cheap products, big size, close hotels, etc is much more interesting that asking for products with a price under X, of the size Y, hotels at most X kilometers far, etc. The way we propose for achieving this more expressive databases' queries is adding to the basic knowledge offered by a database (e.g. distance to hotel is 5 km) the link between this crisp concept and multiple fuzzy concepts that we use in real life (e.g. close hotel). We present FleSe, a framework for searching databases in a flexible way, thanks to the fuzzy concepts that we can define. In this paper we describe the easy procedure that let us define fuzzy concepts and link them to crisp database fields.},
  keywords = {Databases, Fuzzy Logic, Search Engine},
  doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0005074101110118},
  address = {Rome, Italy},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications},
  isbn = {978-989-758-053-6},
  editor = {Ant{\'o}nio Dourado and Jos{\'e} M. Cadenas and Joaquim Filipe}
  author = {Pablos-Ceruelo, V{\'{i}}ctor and Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana},
  booktitle = {Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2014 IEEE International Conference on},
  title = {On modelling real-world knowledge to get answers to fuzzy and flexible searches without human intervention},
  year = {2014},
  month = {July},
  day = {6-11},
  address = {Beijing, China},
  pages = {2329-2336},
  abstract = {The Internet has become a place where massive amounts of information and data are being generated every day. This information is most of the times stored in a non-structured way, but the times it is structured in databases it cannot be retrieved by using easy fuzzy queries. Being the information in the database the distance to the city center of some restaurants (and their names) by easy fuzzy queries we mean queries like "I want a restaurant close to the center". Since the computer does not have knowledge about the relation between being close to the center and the distance to the center (of a restaurant) it does not know how to answer this query by itself. We need human intervention to tell the computer from which database column it needs to retrieve data (the one with the restaurant's distance to the center), and how this non-fuzzy information is fuzzified (applying the close function to the retrieved value). Once this is done it can give an answer, just ordering the database elements by this new computed attribute. This example is very simple, but there are others not so simple, as "I want a restaurant close to the center, not very expensive and whose food type is mediterranean". Doing this for each existing attribute does not seem to be a very good idea. We present a web interface for posing fuzzy and flexible queries and a search engine capable of answering them without human intervention, just from the knowledge modelled by using the framework's syntax. We expect this work contributes to the development of more human-oriented fuzzy search engines.},
  keywords = {Internet;database management systems;fuzzy set theory;query processing;search engines;Internet;Web interface;database column;database elements;flexible searches;framework syntax;fuzzy queries;human intervention;human-oriented fuzzy search engines;nonfuzzy information;real-world knowledge;Cities and towns;Computers;Databases;Fuzzy logic;Search engines;Semantics;Syntactics},
  doi = {10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2014.6891723},
  isbn = {978-1-4799-2073-0},
  issn = {1544-5615}
  author = {Pablos-Ceruelo, V{\'{i}}ctor and Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana},
  title = {Introducing Similarity Relations in a Framework for Modelling
               Real-World Fuzzy Knowledge},
  booktitle = {IPMU (3)},
  year = {2014},
  month = {July},
  day = {15-19},
  pages = {51-60},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08852-5_6},
  crossref = {DBLP:conf/ipmu/2014-3},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08852-5_6},
  isbn = {978-3-319-08851-8},
  ee = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007\%2F978-3-319-08852-5_6}
  author = {Pablos-Ceruelo, V{\'{i}}ctor and Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana},
  title = {FleSe: A Tool for Posing Flexible and Expressive (Fuzzy)
               Queries to a Regular Database},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {157-164},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07593-8_20},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07593-8_20},
  crossref = {DBLP:conf/dcai/2014}
  tipoactividad = {Art{\'{i}}culos en revistas},
  internacional = {yes},
  author = {Jeremy Gibbons and Pablo Nogueira},
  title = {Special Issue on {M}athematics of {P}rogram {C}onstruction
  journal = {Science of Computer Programming},
  year = 2014,
  abstract = {Special issue edited by Gibbons and Nogueira that contains
                  extended versions of selected papers from the 11th
                  International Conference on Mathematics of Program
                  Construction - MPC'12},
  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01676423/85/part/PB},
  issn = {0167-6423},
  doi = {10.1016/j.scico.2013.09.004},
  volume = {85 Part 2B},
  pages = {101-240}
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  internacional = {yes},
  revisores = {yes},
  author = {{{\'{A}}lvaro} {Garc{\'{i}}a-P{\'{e}}rez} and Pablo Nogueira and Ilya Sergey},
  title = {Deriving Interpretations of the Gradually-Typed Lambda
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN} 2014 {S}ymposium on
                  {P}artial {E}valuation and {P}rogram {M}anipulation -
  year = {2014},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-2619-3},
  location = {San Diego, CA, USA},
  pages = {157--168},
  numpages = {10},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2543728.2543742},
  doi = {10.1145/2543728.2543742},
  publisher = {ACM Press},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  abstract = {Siek and Garcia (2012) have explored the dynamic semantics
                  of the gradually-typed lambda calculus by means of
                  definitional interpreters and abstract machines. The
                  correspondence between the calculus's mathematically
                  described small-step reduction semantics and the implemented
                  big-step definitional interpreters was left as a
                  conjecture. We prove and generalise Siek and Garcia's
                  conjectures using program transformation. We establish the
                  correspondence between the definitional interpreters and the
                  reduction semantics of a closure-converted gradually-typed
                  lambda calculus that unifies and amends various versions of
                  the calculus. We use a layered approach and two-level
                  continuation-passing style so that the correspondence is
                  parametric on the subsidiary coercion calculus. We have
                  implemented the whole derivation for the eager
                  error-detection policy and the downcast blame-tracking
                  strategy. The correspondence can be established for other
                  choices of error-detection policies and blame-tracking
                  strategies, by plugging in the appropriate artefacts for the
                  particular subsidiary coercion calculus.}
  tipoactividad = {Art{\'{i}}culos en revistas},
  internacional = {yes},
  author = {{Elena} {G\'{o}mez-Mart\'{\i}nez} and {Rafael} {Gonz\'{a}lez-Cabero} and {Jose} {Merseguer}},
  title = {{Performance Assessment of an Architecture with Adaptative Interfaces for People with Special Needs}},
  journal = {Empirical Software Engineering},
  volume = {19},
  pages = {1967--2018},
  year = {2014},
  issn = {1382-3256},
  number = {6},
  doi = {10.1007/s10664-013-9297-1},
  isi-jcr = {yes}
  author = {{Ricardo J. Rodr{\'{\i}}guez} and
               {Elena G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez}},
  title = {{Model-Based Safety Assessment Using {OCL} and Petri Nets}},
  booktitle = {Proc. Work in Progress Session at 40th Euromicro Conf. on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'14)},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {56--59},
  pdf = {http://babel.ls.fi.upm.es/~egomez/papers/2014_SEAA.pdf}
  author = {{Elena G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez} and Fern{\'{a}}ndez D{\'{i}}az, {\'{A}}lvaro},
  title = {{Embedded Systems for People with Special Needs: Insights from a Real Case}},
  booktitle = {Proc. Work in Progress Session at 40th Euromicro Conf. on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'14)},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {431--436},
  pdf = {http://babel.ls.fi.upm.es/~egomez/papers/2014_SEAA_TET.pdf}
  author = {{Elena G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez} and {Ricardo J. Rodr{\'{\i}}guez} and {Leire Etxeberria Elorza} and {Miren Illarramendi Rezabal} and {Clara {Benac Earle}}},
  title = {{Model-Based Verification of Safety Contracts}},
  booktitle = {Software Engineering and Formal Methods - {SEFM} 2014 Collocated Workshops},
  series = {Lectures Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {8938},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {101--105},
  pdf = {http://babel.ls.fi.upm.es/~egomez/papers/2014_SaFoMe.pdf}
  tipoactividad = {Art{\'{i}}culos en revistas},
  internacional = {yes},
  author = {{{\'{A}}lvaro} {Garc{\'{i}}a-P{\'{e}}rez} and Pablo Nogueira},
  title = {On the syntactic and functional correspondence between
                  hybrid (or layered) normalisers and abstract machines},
  journal = {Science of Computer Programming},
  volume = {95 Part 2},
  year = {2014},
  issn = {0167-6423},
  doi = {10.1016/j.scico.2014.05.011},
  ulr = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167642314002597#}
  editor = {Sigeru Omatu and Hugues Bersini and Juan M. Corchado Rodr{\'{i}}guez and
               Sara Rodr{\'{i}}guez and Pawel Pawlewski and Edgardo Bucciarelli},
  booktitle = {Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 11th International Conference},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},
  volume = {290},
  year = {2014},
  optmonth = {6},
  month = {June},
  day = {4-6},
  isbn = {978-3-319-07592-1},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07593-8},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
  location = {Salamanca, Spain},
  note = {DCAI 2014}
  editor = {Anne Laurent and
               Olivier Strauss and
               Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier and
               Ronald R. Yager},
  title = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in
               Knowledge-Based Systems - 15th International Conference,
               IPMU 2014, Montpellier, France, July 15-19, 2014, Proceedings,
               Part III},
  booktitle = {IPMU (3)},
  publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
  series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
  volume = {444},
  year = {2014},
  isbn = {978-3-319-08851-8},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08852-5},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
  note = {online isbn: 978-3-319-08852-5, series issn: 1865-0929}
  editor = {Laura M. Castro and
               Hans Svensson},
  title = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth {ACM} {SIGPLAN} workshop on Erlang,
               Gothenburg, Sweden, September 5, 2014},
  publisher = {{ACM}},
  year = {2014},
  url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2633448},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-3038-1},
  timestamp = {Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:13:27 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/erlang/2014},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  title = {2014 {IEEE} International Conference on Web Services, ICWS, 2014,
               Anchorage, AK, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2014},
  publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
  year = {2014},
  url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6923037},
  isbn = {978-1-4799-5054-6},
  timestamp = {Wed, 19 Aug 2015 17:47:18 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/icws/2014},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}

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