@comment{{Al final apareció en 2018}}
  month = {January},
  title = {Improving flexible databases searches using machine learning},
  author = {Hern{\'a}ndez Munuera, Alejandro and Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana},
  address = {Madrid, Espa{\~n}a},
  year = {2016},
  institution = {Babel research group (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)},
  key = {BabelTR-2016-001},
  pdf = {http://oa.upm.es/39717}
  author = {G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez, Elena and R{\'{o}}driguez, Ricardo J. and Benac{-}Earle, Clara and Etxeberria, Leire and
                  Illarramendi, Miren},
  title = {A methodology for model-based verification of safety
                  contracts and performance requirements},
  journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
                  Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability},
  volume = {0},
  number = {0},
  pages = {1748006X16667328},
  year = {2016},
  doi = {10.1177/1748006X16667328},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1748006X16667328},
  eprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1748006X16667328},
  abstract = { The verification of safety requirements becomes
                  crucial in critical systems where human lives depend
                  on their correct functioning. Formal methods have
                  often been advocated as necessary to ensure the
                  reliability of software systems, albeit with a
                  considerable effort. In any case, such an effort is
                  cost-effective when verifying safety-critical
                  systems. Often, safety requirements are expressed
                  using safety contracts, in terms of assumptions and
                  guarantees.To facilitate the adoption of formal
                  methods in the safety-critical software industry, we
                  propose a methodology based on well-known modelling
                  languages such as the unified modelling language and
                  object constraint language. The unified modelling
                  language is used to model the software system while
                  object constraint language is used to express the
                  system safety contracts within the unified modelling
                  language. In the proposed methodology a unified
                  modelling language model enriched with object
                  constraint language constraints is transformed to a
                  Petri net model that enables us to formally verify
                  such safety contracts. The methodology is evaluated
                  on an industrial case study. The proposed approach
                  allows an early safety verification to be performed,
                  which increases the confidence of software engineers
                  while designing the system. },
  tipoactividad = {Art{\'{i}}culos en revistas},
  internacional = {yes},
  isi-jcr = {yes}
  title = {Attack Simulation based Software Protection Assessment Method with Petri Net},
  author = {Zhang, Gaofeng and
	Falcarin, Paolo and
	G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez, Elena and
	Tartary, Christophe and
	Islam, Shareeful and
	De Sutter, Bjorn and
	D'Annoville, Jerome},
  journal = {International Journal on Cyber Situational Awareness},
  volume = {1},
  number = {1},
  pages = {152 - 181},
  year = {2016},
  note = {},
  issn = {2057-2182},
  doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.22619/IJCSA.2016.100108},
  tipoactividad = {Art{\'{i}}culos en revistas},
  internacional = {yes},
  isi-jcr = {no}
  author = {Zhang, Gaofeng and
	Falcarin, Paolo and
	G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez, Elena and
	Islam, Shareeful and
	Tartary, Christophe and
	De Sutter, Bjorn and
	D'Annoville, Jerome},
  title = {Attack simulation based software protection assessment method},
  booktitle = {Cyber Security And Protection Of Digital Services},
  pages = {1--8},
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  year = {2016},
  internacional = {yes}
  author = {Salazar-Sanchez, Juan-Pablo and
	G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez, Elena and
	de Miguel, Miguel},
  title = {Performance Analysis of Persistence Technologies for Cloud Repositories of Models},
  isbn = {978-84-9012-627-1},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {213 - 226},
  url = {https://biblioteca.sistedes.es/articulo/performance-analysis-of-persistence-technologies-for-cloud-repositories-of-models/},
  month = {September}
  author = {Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana and Osman, Izzeldin},
  booktitle = {11th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training. E-learning Africa},
  title = {Women Empowerment and Research Productivity through a Successful distance PhD program},
  isbn = {978-3-941055-09-4},
  year = {2016},
  month = {May}
  author = {Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana and Osman, Izzeldin},
  booktitle = {IST-Africa 2016 Conference Proceedings},
  title = {Using a productive distance PhD program to empower women in academia},
  isbn = {978-1-905824-54-0},
  year = {2016},
  month = {May}
  author = {C. Brackmann and D. Barone and A. Casali and R. Boucinha and S. Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez},
  booktitle = {2016 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE)},
  title = {Computational thinking: Panorama of the Americas},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {1-6},
  abstract = {Computers cause an impact in almost every single aspect of
                  our lives, however, unfortunately, schools have not
                  been able to keep up with this irreversible
                  evolution. The simple use of technological
                  apparatuses in the classroom does not guarantee the
                  improvement of the learning process, however it can
                  be the medium through which the students find the
                  alternatives for the solution of complex
                  problems. The Computational Thinking is an approach
                  of teaching that uses a diverse range of techniques
                  derived from computers for the resolution of these
                  problems combined with the new competencies of the
                  21st century (critical thinking, collaboration,
                  etc.). The adoption of the notion of Computing
                  within the basic education schools is a concern in
                  many countries, where the implementation occurs in a
                  strict way. Admittedly, it grows the idea that the
                  Computing discipline is very distinct from the
                  computer classes and that the use of skills from
                  Computing possesses educational (reflection and
                  problem solving, the comprehension that the world is
                  ingrained with the digital technology) and economic
                  (high demand of professionals with good training)
                  benefits. This article, through the vast
                  bibliographic review, describes an international
                  landscape of countries of all Americas, in order to
                  contextualize the reader in respect to the adoption
                  of Computational Thinking within the basic education
  keywords = {Companies;Computers;Economics;Electronic mail;Problem-solving;Training;Basic Education;Computational Thinking;Computing at Schools},
  doi = {10.1109/SIIE.2016.7751839},
  publisher = {IEE Xplore},
  month = {September}
  revisores = {no},
  internacional = {yes},
  tipoactividad = {Otras publicaciones},
  author = {Salvador Tamarit and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o and
               Guillermo Vigueras and
               Manuel Carro},
  title = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Program Transformation for Programmability in Heterogeneous Architectures},
  journal = {CoRR},
  volume = {abs/1603.03488},
  year = {2016},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.03488},
  timestamp = {Sat, 02 Apr 2016 11:49:48 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/TamaritMVC16a},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  revisores = {no},
  internacional = {yes},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {Guillermo Vigueras and
               Manuel Carro and
               Salvador Tamarit and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o},
  title = {Towards Automatic Learning of Heuristics for Mechanical Transformations of Procedural Code},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Program Transformation for Programmability in Heterogeneous Architectures},
  journal = {CoRR},
  volume = {abs/1603.03022},
  year = {2016},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.03022},
  timestamp = {Sat, 02 Apr 2016 11:49:48 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/ViguerasCTM16},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  revisores = {no},
  internacional = {yes},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {Salvador Tamarit and
               Julio Mari{\~{n}}o and
               Guillermo Vigueras and
               Manuel Carro},
  title = {Towards a Semantics-Aware Transformation Toolchain for Heterogeneous Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Program Transformation for Programmability in Heterogeneous Architectures},
  journal = {CoRR},
  volume = {abs/1603.03011},
  year = {2016},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.03011},
  timestamp = {Sat, 02 Apr 2016 11:49:48 +0200},
  biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/TamaritMVC16},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
  tipoactividad = {Artículos en revistas},
  title = {Dynamic slicing of concurrent specification languages },
  journal = {Parallel Computing },
  volume = {53},
  number = {},
  pages = {1 - 22},
  year = {2016},
  note = {},
  issn = {0167-8191},
  doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2016.01.006},
  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167819116000363},
  author = {M. Llorens and J. Oliver and J. Silva and S. Tamarit},
  keywords = {Concurrent programming, CSP, Slicing},
  abstract = {Abstract Dynamic slicing is a technique to extract the part of the program (called slice) that influences or is influenced, in a particular execution, by a given point of interest in the source code (called slicing criterion). Since a single execution is considered, the technique often uses a trace of this execution to analyze data and control dependencies. In this work we present the first formulation and implementation of dynamic slicing in the context of CSP. Most of the ideas presented can be directly applied to other concurrent specification languages such as Promela or CCS, but we center the discussion and the implementation on CSP. We base our technique on a new data structure to represent \{CSP\} computations called track. A track is a data structure which represents the sequence of expressions that have been evaluated during the computation, and moreover, it is labeled with the location of these expressions in the specification. The implementation of a dynamic slicer for \{CSP\} is useful for debugging, program comprehension, and program specialization, and it is also interesting from a theoretical perspective because \{CSP\} introduces difficulties such as heavy concurrency and non-determinism, synchronizations, frequent absence of data dependence, etc. }
  revisores = {yes},
  internacional = {yes},
  tipoactividad = {Ponencias en congresos},
  author = {David Insa and
                Josep Silva and
                Salvador Tamarit},
  title = {Where You Sit Matters? How Classroom Seating Might Affect Marks},
  year = {2016},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ITiCSE 2016, the 21th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education},
  note = {To appear}
  tipoactividad = {Artículos en revistas},
  internacional = {yes},
  author = {{{\'{A}}lvaro} {Garc{\'{i}}a-P{\'{e}}rez} and Pablo
  title = {No Solvable Lambda-Value Term Left Behind},
  journal = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
  year = {2016},
  url = {http://www.lmcs-online.org/ojs/viewarticle.php?id=1943&layout=abstract},
  doi = {10.2168/LMCS-12(2:12)2016},
  issn = {1860-5974},
  volume = {12},
  number = {2},
  pages = {1-43},
  abstract = {In the lambda calculus a term is solvable iff it is
                  operationally relevant.  Solvable terms are a superset of
                  the terms that convert to a final result called normal
                  form. Unsolvable terms are operationally irrelevant and can
                  be equated without loss of consistency.  There is a
                  definition of solvability for the lambda-value calculus,
                  called v-solvability, but it is not synonymous with
                  operational relevance, some lambda-value normal forms are
                  unsolvable, and unsolvables cannot be consistently
                  equated. We provide a definition of solvability for the
                  lambda-value calculus that does capture operational
                  relevance and such that a consistent proof-theory can be
                  constructed where unsolvables are equated attending to the
                  number of arguments they take (their `order' in the
                  jargon). The intuition is that in lambda-value the different
                  sequentialisations of a computation can be distinguished
                  operationally. We prove a version of the Genericity Lemma
                  stating that unsolvable terms are generic and can be
                  replaced by arbitrary terms of equal or greater order.}
  author = {Lars{-}{\AA}ke Fredlund and Clara Benac Earle and John
  title = {Automatic Grading of Programming Exercises using
                  Property-Based Testing},
  booktitle = {21st Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in
                  Computer Science Education {ITiCSE} 2016, Arequipa, Perú,
                  July 11-13, 2016},
  year = 2016,
  pages = {47--52},
  doi = {10.1145/2899415.2899443},
  editor = {Alison Clear and Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas and
                  Janet Carter and Yván Túpac},
  series = {},
  publisher = {ACM}
  author = {Gallina, Barbara and G{\'{o}}mez{-}Mart{\'{\i}}nez, Elena and Benac Earle, Clara},
  title = {Deriving Safety Case Fragments for Assessing MBASafe's Compliance with {EN} 50128},
  booktitle = {{SPICE}},
  series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
  volume = {609},
  pages = {3--16},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2016}
  author = {Pablos-Ceruelo, V{\'{i}}ctor and Mu{\~{n}}oz-Hern{\'{a}}ndez, Susana},
  title = {A Framework for Modelling Real-World Knowledge Capable of Obtaining Answers to Fuzzy and Flexible Searches},
  booktitle = {Computational Intelligence (SCI, volume 613)},
  doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23392-5_16},
  isbn = {978-3-319-23391-8},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {281-297},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag}

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